Cedar Creek Biofuels Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
Cedar Creek Lab Work:
 Conducting soil texture analyses at the field site.
 Student intern doing soil texture analysis.
 Soil moisture samples
 Student interns analyzing water samples for antibiotics using ELISA kits.
 Student intern analyzing root extract samples for antibiotics using ELISA kits.
 Water samples and plant extract samples ready for analysis.
 Pipettors used in sample analysis.
 Plate reader for analysis of ELISA kits.
 ELISA kit being used to detect emerging contaminants.
 Student intern weighing root samples to be extracted for antibiotics.
 Pelletized prairie biomass.
 Student intern holding a suction lysimeter.
 Measuring alkalinity of the groundwater at the field site.
 Packing ASE (accelerated solvent extractor) cells for extraction method development at the Kansas Organic Geochemistry USGS lab.
 Pipetting extraction samples for final analysis at the Kansas Organic Geochemistry USGS lab.