Bemidji Crude-Oil Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
2010 Field Work:
 John Greene and Andrew Berg collecting a core sample.
 Preparing a vertical array of electrodes for detecting biogeophysical electrical signatures.
 Setting up a transect to measure the self-potential (SP) across the Bemidji site.
 Peter Joesten and Jay Nolan conducting borehole geophysical measurements.
 Installing a vertical array of electrodes for detecing biogeophysical electrical signatures.
 Barbara, Natasha, Andrew, and John enjoying a successful freezing drive shoe core.
 The sinusoidal slug tester with Don Lundy and Bill Herkelrath in the background.
 Peter Rose taking a water level.
 Geoff Delin collecting unsaturated zone vapor samples.
 Mindy Erickson analyzing vapor samples on the GC.
 Jeanne Jaeschke, Isabelle Cozzarelli, and Mary Jo Baedecker collecting an oil sample.
 Magnus Skold preparing electrodes for installation.
 Don Lundy collecting an oil sample.
 A drilling operation interupted by a sudden thunderstorm and downpour.
 Abby Tomasek and Kim Boland collecting water samples for BTEX analysis
 Ean Warren measuring water temperature on the north well transect.
 Bemidji sediments.
 Methane bubbles!