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Bemidji Crude-Oil Project

Minnesota PROJECTS


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Job Hazard Analysis for the USGS Bemidji Project

Table of Contents:

Overview and General JHA for Bemidji Project




Bemidji, Minnesota Toxics Substances Hydrology Project


Project MN2001-09500









All Employees


 Don Hansen

ANALYSIS BY:            Geoffrey N. Delin



U. S. Geological Survey
Water Resources Division
Minnesota District


JHA prepared under direction of Central Region Program Memorandum 2000.01


North central Minnesota





Typical PPE:

Hard hats
Safety glasses
Winter protection
Cell phone communications
Helmets (ATVs and snowmobiles)
Survival kits



Job Responsibilities

Vehicle safety and driving to job site.


Traffic accident.

Stay alert to driving conditions and obey all traffic laws. Reduce speed for hazardous conditions.

See attached JHAs for Remote Solitary Field Work and Trailering.

Loading and unloading equipment

Pinching fingers, mashing toes, back strain

Use caution; be aware of hand placement; use proper lifting techniques (i.e. lift with legs not back, get assistance as necessary). Wear gloves, steel-toed shoes, and back support.

Environmental hazards

Poison ivy, tick bites, sunburn, hypothermia, and other miscellaneous conditions.

Come to site prepared deal with the environmental conditions of the season.

See JHA on Environmental Hazards.

Clearing site of underbrush or trees

Pinching fingers, mashing toes, back strain, cuts.

Wear gloves, eye and hearing protection, steel-toed shoes, back support, hard hat.

See JHA on Chainsaw Operation.

Well drilling and collection of soil cores.

Project Chief, Lead Tech, and Driller will coordinate drilling plans, locations, dates and crew requirements.

Driller is responsible for briefings of new crewmembers.

Underground utilities: electrical, flammable, and explosive hazards.

Project chief and/or driller are responsible for underground utility clearances, state licensing and certifications through: Minnesota Gopher One Call 651-454-0002 (800-252-1166) USGS #2810

Injury or death resulting from machinery or hoisting operations such as a loose bolt flying off of drill rig, cable breaking, pipe falling, or explosion of gas tank or air compressor.

Driller is responsible for maintaining a safe work site, adherence to local regulations and USGS standards for crew training. All drill rig crewmembers will use appropriate PPE including: hard hats gloves, steel toes boots at all times, and safety glasses as necessary.

Ear damage from noise of rig.

Wear earmuffs when close to rig or near the drill site for extended period of time, particularly during coring operations (using hammer).

Back strain from shoveling drill cuttings.

Don't shovel heavier load than you can lift.

Lightning or tornado

Be mindful of weather conditions. Stop drilling operation and take cover when peril exists.

Setting casing and well development: hoisting operations, high pressure fluids

PPE same as above, Clear communications from driller to crew on job sequences.

Improper movement of CO2 and other gas cylinders may break the neck causing a projectile.

Use cylinder cart to transport gas cylinders. Move cylinders only with the protective cap in place.

See attached JHA for Gas Cylinders.

Contamination by crude oil.

Wear gloves when handling soil cores or augers contaminated with crude oil.

Clean all equipment contaminated with crude oil using methanol.

See attached JHA for Methanol Use.

Measuring water levels in wells and servicing data loggers.





Remote area work with use of snowmobiles and all terrain vehicles (ATVs). Training for First Aid, CPR, and special use vehicles, communications.

Cell phone communications are required. Training for special use vehicles including snowmobiles and ATVs is mandatory. Access to sites requiring special use vehicles will be approved by the project chief. Survival kits are required for remote area work.

See attached JHAs for All Terrain Vehicles, Snowmobile Operations, and Trailering.

Drowning by falling out of canoe or falling into lake due to slippery surface on floating platform around well.

Use PFD when canoeing to site in middle of unnamed lake to measure water level.

Electrical hazards.

Instrument shelters will be adequately guarded from lightning. No personnel shall access the shelters or instruments during electrical storms.

Sampling wells

Infection potential from exposure to contaminated water.

Wear appropriate gloves. Prevent water from contacting your skin.

See attached JHA for Collecting Ground Water Samples from Wells

ATTACH ALL MAPS AND EMERGENCY NUMBERS AT THIS POINT. Maps shall indicate emergency services such as local hospitals. Numbers shall include DNR, HAZMAT, Sheriff (by county) Ambulance, Cooperators, Landowners, and project team members.





            Beltrami County Sheriff: 911 or 888-449-9111 or 751-9111

            Forestry Station - Bemidji: 218-755-2890

            Drug Enforcement Administration: 612-348-1700

            Federal Bureau of Investigation: 612-376-3200

            Minnesota Arson Hotline: 218-755-3826


            North Country Regional Hospital: 1100 W. 38 St., Bemidji: 218-751-5430



Job Hazard Analysis

Remote-Solitary Field Work


Remote-Solitary Field Work

Page 1 of 2

Prepared by:

G.N. Delin



Reviewed by:




Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:


Specific to job assignment. Always carry a cellular phone, a list of emergency phone numbers and a radio to monitor weather reports. Items normally carried in each vehicle should include: Fire extinguisher, first-aid kit, winter survival kit (during the winter), tow-chain (or strap), shovel, axe, bucket, basic tool kit, drinking water, tire chains, jumper cables and a jack.


Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Step 1 Long distance, solo, highway driving:

Potential Accidents/Hazards:



Traffic accidents, falling asleep at the wheel, vehicle breakdown, getting vehicle stuck, icy or wet roads, logging trucks or other large vehicles may not yield right of way.



Recommended Safe Job Procedures:



Stay alert to driving conditions and obey all traffic laws. Be alert to changing weather conditions that would impact your ability to drive safely. Reduce speed for hazardous road conditions. Schedule travel time to include adequate rest and sleep stops. Pull off highway and sleep, nap or exercise if you feel fatigued. Do not exceed capability for extended safe driving; make sure you have planned an escape route (drive defensively). Properly maintain your vehicle according to GSA and manufacturer's guidelines. Maintain adequate fuel and oil levels.


Step 2 Solo off-road travel with full-sized vehicle, snowmobile or ATV

Potential Accidents/Hazards:



Personal injury or illness.


Recommended Safe Job Procedures:



Obtain first aid training and carry first-aid kit. Carry a list of the nearest emergency medical facilities and their current phone numbers. Be aware of forecast weather conditions at all times. Snowmobile use should ideally be done in pairs with two machines. ATV and snowmobile use hazards are covered in the attached JHAs.

Step 3 Operating alone in the field.

Potential Accidents/Hazards:



Emergencies and disappearance.


Recommended Safe Job Procedures:



Always provide a "District Travel Itinerary" to your supervisor. Setup a regular schedule of contacts with your office and home. This will include at least one phone call a day to home or office. The itinerary should include: expected travel route, description of your vehicle, license plate number, cellular phone number and phone numbers of motels or other contacts along your route who might know where you are in case your route needs to be traced in an emergency. When traveling to a remote site, use your cellular phone, if service is available, to check in with the office when you've returned to a secure location.

Related Safety Memoranda:

WRD Memo No. 98.25, also see; USGS Open-File Report 95-777 " A Guide to Safe Field Operations".








DATE: 7/3/01

PREPARED BY:         G.N. Delin



 PAGE 1 OF 1



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:


 Gloves, steel-toed shoes, back support, and tire pressure gauge

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Connecting trailer


Pinching fingers, mashing toes, back strain

Use caution, be aware of hand placement, use proper lifting techniques (i.e. lift with legs not back, get assistance as necessary). Wear gloves, steel-toed shoes, and back support. Use trailer jack to lift tongue.

Towing trailer


Trailer disconnecting

Verify ball and coupler are same size, use safety chains crossed under coupler, use lock or bolt to secure coupler latch.



Tire blowout

Inspect tires for wear and correct pressure.



Bearing seizure, failure

Check for overheating during (after approximately 10 miles) each trip, repack at least once a year.



Sway or whipping, stopping

Use slower speed, especially in windy situations. Increase following distance, extra weight of trailer increases stopping distance. Do not compensate for sway, hold steady course. Be alert when turning, do not "curb" the trailer tires.

Backing trailer


Jack knifing, hitting objects

Physically inspect path yourself before backing, use a guide person, avoid sharp turns.

Disconnecting trailer


Pinching fingers, mashing toes, back strain

Use caution, be aware of hand placement, use proper lifting techniques (i.e. lift with legs not back, get assistance as necessary). Wear gloves, steel-toed shoes, and back support. Use trailer jack to lift tongue.






Environmental Hazards


JOB: Environmental Hazards

Date Created: 7/3/01

PREPARED BY:          G.N. Delin



 PAGE 1 OF 2



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:


Safety glasses, gloves, foot wear, personal flotation device (PFD), electrolyte drink, sunblock, sunglasses, protective clothing, foul weather gear, insect repellent, rope, and shovel




Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Walking around the field site


Trips and Falls

Ensure path is clear and free of obstructions. Ensure that footing at the field site work area is sound.



Insect bites (e.g. - ticks, mosquitoes, flies) or stings

Wear appropriate insect repellant. At the end of work day check your body carefully for ticks. Avoid wasps or hornets nests.



Poison ivy and poison oak

Wear appropriate clothing and wash clothing following exposure to poisonous plants. Wash all exposed areas of skin with soap and water.



Lightning strikes

Do not work around or during thunderstorms.



Dehydration / Heat Exhaustion / Sun Stroke

In warm/hot weather, rest often and drink plenty of water or electrolyte drink. Wear sun glasses when appropriate. Be knowledgeable of symptoms of heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and dehydration.




Protect yourself from sun. Use sunblock, wear light protective clothing, sunglasses, and hat.



Hypothermia / Frostbite

Wear appropriate coat, hat, and gloves/mittens during winter months.



Slippery conditions

Use appropriate footwear when mud, snow, or ice conditions exist.

Opening shelter


Insect bites or stings

Check carefully around shelter for wasps or spiders. Use sprays (wasp stopper) to kill insects.



Infectious diseases

Watch for rodent nests or droppings. If a nest or droppings are present special precautions must be taken to prevent illness or death.




Shelter maintenance will include provisions for control of hantavirus, if necessary. See survey manual 445-2-H chapter 5



Chainsaw Operation




Chainsaw Operation 

DATE: 7/3/01

PREPARED BY:          G.N. Delin



PAGE 1 OF 1 



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:


Hard hat, safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves, steel-toed shoes, spill kit, and back support.

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Unloading equipment


Pinching fingers, mashing toes, back strain

Use caution, be aware of hand placement, use proper lifting techniques (i.e. lift with legs not back, get assistance as necessary). Wear gloves, steel-toed shoes, and back support.



Explosion, fire, hazardous vapors, splashing fuel in eyes, spills

Wear eye protection, shut off engine, refuel in well ventilated area, keep fuel away from sparks or open flame, transport fuel in approved containers, have spill kit ready in case of fuel spill.

Adjusting or sharpening chain



Wear gloves, follow procedures in owner manual.

Starting chainsaw


Cuts, eye injury, hearing damage

Wear gloves, eye and hearing protection, steel-toed shoes. Follow procedures in owner manual.

Cutting with chainsaw


Cuts, eye injury, hearing damage, back strain, falling debris

Wear gloves, eye and hearing protection, steel-toed shoes, back support, hard hat. Be aware of surroundings (i.e. power lines, vehicles, other employees). Use line or wedge to guide fall.

Reloading equipment


Pinching fingers, mashing toes, back strain

Use caution, be aware of hand placement, use proper lifting techniques (i.e. lift with legs not back, get assistance as necessary). Wear gloves, steel-toed shoes, and back support.


Gas Cylinders


JOB: Gas Cylinders

Date Created: 7/3/01




PAGE 1 OF 2 



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:


Safety glasses

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Moving full gas cylinder to work area or to vehicle.


Cylinder may fall breaking the neck creating a projectile.

Use cylinder cart to transport gas cylinders.

Move gas cylinders only with the protective cap in place.



High pressure gas release

 Use proper procedures to open and close a cylinder with a regulator attached.



Back or muscle strain

Use proper lifting techniques. Protect your back from strain and twisting. Obtain assistance in lifting.

Transporting a gas cylinder in a vehicle.


Asphyxiation or suffocation

Nitrogen Gas can create an asphyxiation hazard. Ensure cylinder is NOT leaking, valve is tightly sealed, cap is secured to cylinder, and cylinder is tightly secured to vehicle.

Gas cylinders should NOT be transported in the passenger compartment of a vehicle. Cylinders should be transported in a pickup bed, or trailer.

Securing a gas cylinder in a field trailer.


Back or muscle strain.

High pressure gas release. Cylinder may fall breaking the neck creating a projectile.

Use proper lifting techniques. Protect your back from strain and twisting.

Ensure tanks are secured tightly to wall of trailer in an upright position. Tanks should NOT be able to move in any direction.

Using gas cylinders


Cylinder may fall breaking the neck creating a projectile.

Ensure cylinder is secured tightly before removing protective cap.



Cylinder may fall when changing cylinders.

Ensure BOTH cylinders are secured tightly to the wall or the transport cart.

Returning "empty" gas cylinder to vendor


High pressure gas

Replace protective cap on the empty gas cylinder before transporting to vendor.



Moving a heavy object

Use proper lifting techniques. Protect your back from strain and twisting.




Methanol Use


JOB: Methanol Use

Date Created: 7/3/01




PAGE 1 OF 2 



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:
 See MSDS's for more safety information


Personal respirators (NIOSH approved) [as needed], rubber or neoprene gloves, impervious boots, apron or coveralls [as needed], chemical safety goggles, spill cleanup and disposal supplies, and eye wash and safety shower.

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures





Transporting methanol between storage and work areas


Dropping or bumping the glass container causing it to break

Use a rubber bottle carrier to transport methanol.

Pouring or using methanol


Fire Hazard - Static electrical discharge may ignite vapors

Use a grounding strap to discharge static energy.



Fire Hazard - other ignition sources

 Know where the fire extinguishers are located.



Breathing vapors

Work in a well ventilated area. Do not breath vapors.



Skin contact

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.



Eye contact

Wear safety goggles.



Cuts from broken glass

Do not pick up the broken pieces of glass with your hands. Use a broom to sweep up broken glass.




Insure you have the proper equipment to contain and
clean up a spill.

Storing methanol


Improper storage

Store methanol in a flammable liquids cabinet.



Fire Hazard

When using methanol, keep it in a stainless-steel safety can not in the glass container.



Hazardous Vapors

Flammable liquids cabinet should be vented.

All Terrain Vehicles





Snow Mobile Operation




Snowmobile Operations

DATE: 7/3/01

PREPARED BY:      G.N. Delin


PAGE 1 OF 6 



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment: 

Snowmobile spare parts, PFDs, Two-way communications, snow shoes or skis, Snowmobile suit, and helmet with face shield.

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Obtain proper instruction before riding a snowmobile.


Personal injury, loss of life or loss or damage to equipment.

Prior to using a snowmobile in the field, experience in operating it must be gained.  Practice should be conducted in as open an area as possible before attempting rougher terrain.  When possible, training courses offered by local snowmobile associates should be employed.  Follow the manufacturer's operating manual for proper usage; always seek instruction from an experienced operator.

Test and inspect snow machine both physically and visually.


General nipping and pinching hazards, minor cuts and abrasions, possible inhalation or ingestion of fuel vapor/liquid.

Physically test and visually inspect all components including steering mechanism, motor, belts, throttle movement, lights, brakes and emergency switch and fuel status. Carry spare snowmobile parts where appropriate.

Transport snowmobile


Vehicle damage/loss due to insecure load or improper hitching of trailer. 

Personal injury or loss of life due to above.

All vehicle operators should acquire trailer towing experience by training in a large open area and under the direction of an experienced operator.  When possible, a driving safety courses should be taken by all staff required to operate a trailered vehicle.

Machines should be securely fastened at the front of the trailer with holding down rods through both skies just behind the forepart of the springs and at the rear with chains so there will be no forward, backward or lateral movement of the snowmobile while in transit.

See JHA on Trailering.

Remove snowmobile from trailer.


Strains/sprains due to improper lifting or manual handling of machine.

Minor cuts, abrasions, nips and pinch's.

Broken bones due to loss of control of machine.

Damage to equipment

The safest loading method for flatbeds is with a portable ramp, which aids in both loading and unloading.  Alternately a snow ramp can be build to the same height as the truck or trailer platform to eliminate lifting.

If lifting is required this can be done but only with three of four people available to help.

Always co-ordinate any work involving two or more individuals. This helps to eliminate unnecessary injury due to unplanned/unprepared lifting or carrying technique.

Conduct Pre-start Inspection.


Damage caused during transport resulting in loose fittings or inoperative controls, lights, etc.

Depress and release throttle control to insure cable operates freely.

Depress and release brake controls to insure free operation.

Conduct visual inspection to verify all nuts and bolts are tight and the hood is fastened securely.

Clear away any excess material from lights, running boards, seat, hood and windshield.

Make sure steering linkage is firm and handlebar moves freely.

Check belt drive for alignment.

Ensure track is clear and runs freely.

Check for sufficient fuel in the tank.

Check emergency stop switch for freedom of movement.

Suiting up


Improper/inadequate clothing.

Lack of helmet and/or goggles.

Lack of PFD if operations over water

Suiting-up should be done in layers.

  • Porous or open basket weave thermal underwear provides body insulation and prevents air from being trapped close the body
  • Second layer of clothing should be wool as this material keeps heat in and, with correct underwear, will not cause undue body moisture.
  • Leather mitts with good wool liners are excellent for snowmobiling especially if they are the gauntlet type.
  • Boots with a rubber lower half and nylon or leather upper half or all rubber boots are the most practical.  All boots should include felt liners for additional warmth and should be large enough to permit two pairs of socks to be worn.

Wear a snowmobile suit that is both windproof and waterproof with a lining that has a high-insulating factor (either one or two-piece).

Check the weather forecast and consult the Wind Chill Chart for the coldest weather you are likely to experience.

Helmets are mandatory and must conform to one of the acceptable standards.

Face shield protect the face and eyes from biting wind, tree twigs and other foreign matter.  Although goggles protect the eyes they have little protection for the rest of the face.  Tinted shields or goggles will greatly reduce the effects of bright sunshine off the snow.

Take along two-way communications and snowshoes or skis.

Proceed to site.


Careless or reckless driving.

Improper riding position

Unknown condition of trail/terrain, hidden obstructions.

Weather conditions.

Crossing of roads, railroads, bridges.

Driving while under the influence of any stimulant or drug is strictly prohibited.  In addition if the driver is unwell, for any reason, driving shall not be undertaken.

Balance is extremely important and is achieved by shifting body weight.  Leaning is the most frequent body shift used.

Maintain track contact with the snow/ground.  Shifting the body helps to achieve this goal.

When riding double, reduce speed to allow the passenger to shift weight at the same time and in the same direction as the driver.

Adopt the best position for driving;

Sitting is best for balance and control and is most comfortable for long rides

  • Kneeing position is excellent in helping maintain balance when crossing the face of a hill
  • Standing is really a high posting position used when better visibility is required such as climbing hills or when traveling over very uneven terrain.
  • All three positions should be practiced a slow speeds in order to judge how best to maintain balance and control.

Maintain an awareness of the area being traveled.  Icy conditions call for special skills and sound judgment, as ice is foreign to good control.  Sharp changes in temperature cause lakes and rivers to form cracks.  The weight of ice on top of ice can cause it to throttle.

Hidden obstructions are sometimes buried just below the snow surface.  Use reduced speed on unfamiliar terrain.  When traveling in agricultural country operators must be alert for covered/buried fencing or closure chains.

Night riding and riding in stormy weather should be restricted as much as possible and done only in emergency situations.

Cross roads, railroads or bridges at right angles.  On roads motor vehicles have the right of way.  Railroad right of ways are private property, the suction created by a speeding train can cause sever and damaging injuries.  When crossing bridges and culverts keep to the extreme right hand and operate at low speed with extreme caution.

When possible, don't travel on ice-covered rivers or lakes.

Travel in a single file when using two or more snowmobiles. Stay about 50 feet apart while maintaining visual contact. The lead snowmobile operator should keep track of the trailing snowmobile.

Towing a cutter, toboggan or sleigh


Using improper tow bar.

Towing in improper area.

Not wearing proper PPE.

Equipment stowed improperly

All towing must be done by means of a rigid tow bar unless the reason is unditching a stuck vehicle or when an emergency rescue situation occurs.

At no time can a cutter, toboggan or sleigh be towed along a roadway.

The wearing of PPE (particularly helmets) is mandatory for operators, passenger and towed passenger or passengers.

When transporting equipment or supplies the gear should be kept low for greater stability.  It must be tied down securely.  When towing passengers avoid rough terrain, keep speeds moderate and execute turns slowly.  A snow flap (in good repair) should be mounted on the rear of the snowmobile to reduce the possibility of debris being thrown at the passenger(s).



Collecting Ground Water Samples From Wells


JOB: Collecting Ground Water Samples from Wells

Date Created: 7/3/01





PAGE 1 OF 2 



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:


See JHA on Environmental Hazards 

Safety goggles, appropriate gloves, foul weather gear.

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Collecting water samples


Back or muscle strain

Use proper lifting techniques when lifting pumps or generators.



Back or muscle strain

Use proper lifting techniques when lifting pumps or generators.



Fire / Explosion / Contamination hazard from refueling generators

Before refueling generator, let the generator cool down.

Fuels and other hydrocarbons will be segregated from samples to minimize contamination.

All fuels will be transported in approved safety containers. The use of containers other than "safety types" is prohibited.

See attached JHA for Gasoline Use




A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter device must protect all AC electrical circuits. Make sure the electrical cords from generators and power tools are not allowed to be in contact with water. Do not stand in a wet area while operating power equipment.



Fire / Explosion hazard from refueling generators.

Before refueling generator, let the generator cool down.



Breathing hazardous fumes

Make a site assessment. Be aware of hazardous fumes. Work upwind and in a well-ventilated area.



Infectious water born diseases

Wear appropriate gloves. Prevent water from contacting your skin.



Breathing fumes from sample preservatives

Always work in a well-ventilated area.

 Sample processing


Contaminated water source

Wear appropriate gloves and safety glasses. Prevent water from contacting your skin. Work in well-ventilated area.




Waste will be returned to the operation office for storage and disposal.




See JHAs for use of appropriate Sample Preservatives such as Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid Ampoules (attached).

Shipping samples


Freeze burns, back strain, hazardous chemical or sample leakage.

Wear appropriate gloves when handling dry ice. Follow safe lifting techniques.

Vehicles that transport chemicals shall be equipped with applicable Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS's). Chemicals will be transported in compliance with Minnesota Department of Transportation (MDOT) regulations.

Samples shipped to NWQL will be appropriately labeled for potential hazards. All reasonable precautions will be used to prevent leaks or broken samples.

Samples that contain hazardous materials must be packed, manifested and shipped by personnel that have MDOT or appropriate HazMat training.



Gasoline Use


JOB:    Gasoline Use

Date Created: 7/3/01

PREPARED BY:           G.N. Delin






Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:
Safety glasses

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Filling up gas cans


Fire, Explosion

Remove gas cans from field vehicle to fill. Do not fill gas cans in pickup truck with plastic bed liners. Static electricity may cause fire or explosion.



Breathing fumes / toxic vapors

Avoid breathing fumes. Gasoline contains harmful vapors.



Chemical Burns

Avoid contact with skin. May cause serious chemical burns.

Transporting gasoline


Fire, Explosion

Transport gasoline in an approved container with a flash arrestor vent. Transport no more than 5 gallons. Do not store gasoline overnight in field vehicles.



Breathing fumes / toxic vapors

Use only cans that are in good working order. Secure caps tightly to prevent fumes from entering the vehicle. Secure can tightly to vehicle. When transporting gasoline cans do not mount cans outside the motor vehicle.

Refueling small gasoline engines.


Fire, Explosion

Let engine cool down before refueling.




Sample Preservative Acids: nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric acid ampoules


JOB: Sample Preservative Acids: Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid Ampoules

Date Created: 7/3/01

PREPARED BY:        G.N. Delin



 PAGE 1 OF 2



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:
See MSDS's for more safety information 


Safety goggles, protective gloves, eye wash

Sequence of Basic Job Steps


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

Opening the box of ampoules


Cuts or punctures with a knife

Use appropriate techniques when handling a knife.
Always cut away from you.



Broken ampoules in the box. Cuts from the broken glass.

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves. Dispose of the preservative and broken glass by approved methods.



Broken ampoules in the box. Breathing fumes.

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves. Always work in a well-ventilated area.

Breaking top of glass ampoule


Cuts from the broken glass.

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves. Use a paper towel to wrap ampoule in to snap the top or use an ampoule breaker. Always point the ampoule away from you when you snap off the top.



Skin contact chemical burns.

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves.

Fumes may come into contact with the perspiration on your skin and rehydrate to form an acid. If your skin itches, flush affected area for 15 minutes with water.



Eye contact

Wear safety goggles. If acid splashes in the eyes, flush eyes for 15 minutes with water. Seek medical advice.



Breathing fumes

HNO3 and HCL have high vapor pressure. Always work in a well-ventilated area.

Adding acid to sample


Chemical reaction

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves. Acid may react with high alkaline sample and fizz (releases CO2).



Eye contact

Wear safety goggles. If acid splashes in the eyes, flush eyes 15 minutes with water. Seek medical advice.



Skin contact chemical burns.


Wear safety goggles and protective gloves.

Ampoule disposal


Cuts from the broken glass.

Wear safety goggles and protective gloves.

Place used ampoules in an empty, non-reactive container in the field and bring it back to the District office. Dispose of the preservative and broken glass by approved methods.



Dealing with a hostile public


JOB: Dealing with hostile public

Date Created: 7/3/01


PREPARED BY:     G.N. Delin



 PAGE 1 OF 2



Recommended Protective Clothing and Equipment:                                                                          Appropriate attire, cellular phone, and picture ID

Job Situation


Potential Accidents/Hazards

Recommended Safe Job Procedures

In preparation for field work



Be aware of radical or strong political groups operating in the area. Familiarize yourself with any controversial issues or illegal activities in the area you will be working. Be able to briefly explain the necessity for the data collection you are charged with. Formulate a plan for dealing with hostile people that includes avoidance or calm, deliberate departure from their presence. While planning the field schedule and are aware of known hostile activities. The supervisor must check with appropriate law enforcement agency. The Supervisor must make a decision if it is necessary to conduct the site visit. Program emergency numbers (auto-dial) on the cell phone.

Driving into a potentially hostile situation


Potential physical harm to you or your vehicle

Be alert. Watch for threatening behavior. Stay in the vehicle with doors locked. If the situation is suspicious and/or not safe, leave the scene at once. Report any threatening behavior to your supervisor and/or the local authorities depending on the severity of the situation.

Walking into a potentially hostile situation


Potential physical harm to you

Be alert. Watch for threatening behavior. Be courteous and respectful. Do not argue or threaten potentially hostile people. If you are at all uncomfortable, turn around and leave the scene in a calm, deliberate manner. Contact your supervisor and/or the local authorities and report any threatening behavior.

Having a potentially hostile situation develop around you


Potential physical harm to you

Be aware of the changing environment. Be prepared to leave on short notice. Do not aggravate the situation by arguing or confronting individuals. If you become uncomfortable with the situation, leave the scene immediately abandon your equipment if necessary. Contact your supervisor and/or the local authorities and report the incident.

Being approached by a hostile person(s)


Potential physical harm to you

Stay calm. Listen attentively. Be courteous, patient and respectful. Do not become angry and argue with or threaten the person. Maintain eye contact. Try to calm the person down by using a soothing voice and non-threatening body language. Keep the situation in your control. If they ask you to leave, do so. Contact your supervisor and/or the local authorities and report the incident.

Dealing with verbal abuse


Potential escalation to physical violence

Stay calm. Be courteous, patient and respectful. Do not become angry and argue with or threaten the person. Maintain eye contact. Try to calm the person down by using a soothing voice and non-threatening body language. Keep the situation in your control. If possible, signal a co-worker or supervisor that you need help. Report the incident to your supervisor and/or the local authorities.

Dealing with physical violence


Potential physical harm to you

Stay calm. At the first sign of physical violence immediately back away. Protect yourself by trying to escape to a safe area. Do not challenge or try to subdue the assailant. The best defense is to get away. Report the incident to your supervisor and the local authorities.

Dealing with a weapon


Potential serious physical harm to you

Stay very calm. If possible quietly signal for help. Maintain eye contact. Stall for time. Keep talking but follow instructions from the person with the weapon. Don't risk harm to yourself or others by trying to be a hero. NEVER grab the weapon. Watch for a safe chance to escape to a safe area. Report the incident to your supervisor and the local authorities.


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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 31-Dec-2008 17:51:00 EST

05311000: Flow=985cfs,Stage=5.29ft,Floodstage=14ft,2024-02-26 17:00,>90,MINNESOTA RIVER AT MONTEVIDEO, MN 05301000: Flow=997cfs,Stage=24.10ft,2024-02-26 17:00,>90,MINNESOTA RIVER NEAR LAC QUI PARLE, MN 05292000: Flow=202cfs,Stage=2.64ft,Floodstage=10ft,2024-02-26 17:30,>90,MINNESOTA RIVER AT ORTONVILLE, MN 05129290: Flow=79.6cfs,Stage=14.40ft,Floodstage=20.5ft,2024-02-26 17:30,>90,GOLD PORTAGE OUTLET FROM KABETOGAMA LK NR RAY,MN 05344500: Flow=12800cfs,2024-02-26 16:55,Stage=25.36ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,76-90,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT PRESCOTT, WI 05340500: Flow=2800cfs,Stage=3.27ft,2024-02-26 17:00,76-90,ST. CROIX RIVER AT ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 05315000: Flow=50.7cfs,Stage=7.39ft,Floodstage=14ft,2024-02-26 17:00,76-90,REDWOOD RIVER NEAR MARSHALL, MN 05288500: Flow=6750cfs,Stage=3.37ft,Floodstage=12ft,2024-02-26 17:00,76-90,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT HWY 610 IN BROOKLYN PARK, MN 05270500: Flow=199cfs,Stage=0.97ft,Floodstage=6ft,2024-02-26 17:15,76-90,SAUK RIVER NEAR ST. CLOUD, MN 05267000: Flow=4100cfs,Stage=9.50ft,2024-02-26 17:15,76-90,MISSISSIPPI RIVER NEAR ROYALTON, MN 05457000: Flow=64.2cfs,Stage=2.76ft,Floodstage=10ft,2024-02-26 17:00,25-75,CEDAR RIVER NEAR AUSTIN, MN 05385500: Flow=132cfs,Stage=1.96ft,2024-02-26 17:30,25-75,SOUTH FORK ROOT RIVER NEAR HOUSTON, MN 05385000: Flow=472cfs,Stage=3.16ft,Floodstage=15ft,2024-02-26 17:45,25-75,ROOT RIVER NEAR HOUSTON, MN 05345000: Flow=38.1cfs,Stage=2.32ft,2024-02-26 17:15,25-75,VERMILLION RIVER NEAR EMPIRE, MN 05333500: Flow=1050cfs,Stage=1.07ft,Floodstage=7ft,2024-02-26 17:00,25-75,ST. CROIX RIVER NEAR DANBURY, WI 05247500: Flow=858cfs,Stage=3.76ft,2024-02-26 17:45,25-75,CROW WING RIVER NEAR PILLAGER, MN 05245100: Flow=102cfs,Stage=1.87ft,Floodstage=7ft,2024-02-26 17:15,25-75,LONG PRAIRIE RIVER AT LONG PRAIRIE, MN 05129115: Flow=260cfs,Stage=5.62ft,Floodstage=14ft,2024-02-26 17:30,25-75,VERMILION RIVER NR CRANE LAKE, MN 05127500: Flow=595cfs,Stage=2.97ft,Floodstage=7.5ft,2024-02-26 17:30,25-75,BASSWOOD RIVER NEAR WINTON, MN 05125000: Flow=128cfs,Stage=2.19ft,Floodstage=6.5ft,2024-02-26 17:30,25-75,SOUTH KAWISHIWI RIVER NEAR ELY, MN 05124480: Flow=71.0cfs,Stage=3.13ft,2024-02-26 17:00,25-75,KAWISHIWI RIVER NEAR ELY, MN 05046000: Flow=339cfs,Stage=2.83ft,2024-02-26 17:30,25-75,OTTER TAIL RIVER BL ORWELL D NR FERGUS FALLS, MN 06604000: Stage=13.22ft,Floodstage=16ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,Spirit Lake near Orleans, IA 06483290: Stage=7.20ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,Rock River below Tom Creek at Rock Rapids, IA 06482610: Stage=1.89ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Floodstage=8.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SPLIT ROCK CREEK AT CORSON,SD 05476000: Stage=7.67ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,DES MOINES RIVER AT JACKSON, MN 05475350: Stage=10.68ft,Floodstage=19ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,Ice,DES MOINES RIVER ABOVE WINDOM, MN 05388250: Stage=6.58ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,Upper Iowa River near Dorchester, IA 05387030: Stage=6.61ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,CROOKED CREEK AT FREEBURG MN 05386400: Stage=30.94ft,2024-02-26 17:45,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT BROWNSVILLE, MN 05384350: Stage=8.25ft,Floodstage=21ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,ROOT RIVER ABOVE RUSHFORD, MN 05383950: Stage=7.67ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=19ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROOT RIVER NEAR PILOT MOUND, MN 05383075: Flow=318cfs,Stage=2.50ft,Floodstage=7.5ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,LA CROSSE RIVER NEAR LA CROSSE, WI 05378500: Stage=5.71ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT WINONA, MN 05378490: Stage=5.97ft,Floodstage=655ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT LOCK AND DAM 5A NR WINONA, MN 05374000: Stage=5.23ft,Floodstage=18ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,ZUMBRO RIVER AT ZUMBRO FALLS, MN 05372995: Stage=2.38ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SOUTH FORK ZUMBRO RIVER AT ROCHESTER, MN 05355250: Stage=2.93ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Seasonal site,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT RED WING, MN 05355200: Stage=3.39ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CANNON RIVER AT WELCH, MN 05355092: Flow=167cfs,Stage=7.33ft,2024-02-26 17:50,Not ranked,CANNON RIVER AT 9TH ST. BRIDGE IN CANNON FALLS, MN 05355080: Stage=11.92ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,PRAIRIE CREEK NEAR CANNON FALLS, MN 05355038: Stage=5.25ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,CHUB CREEK AT CO. HWY. 47 ABOVE RANDOLPH, MN 05355024: Flow=128cfs,Stage=889.76ft,Floodstage=897ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,CANNON RIVER AT NORTHFIELD MN 05354500: Stage=8.94ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Seasonal site,CANNON RIVER AT CO. HWY. 29 BELOW FARIBAULT, MN 05353800: Stage=3.77ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,STRAIGHT RIVER NEAR FARIBAULT, MN 05344490: Flow=3650cfs,Stage=25.36ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,ST. CROIX RIVER AT PRESCOTT, WI 05342000: Flow=91.8cfs,Stage=8.18ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,KINNICKINNIC RIVER NEAR RIVER FALLS, WI 05341550: Stage=675.67ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=687.00ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ST. CROIX RIVER AT STILLWATER, MN 05338500: Stage=3.19ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SNAKE RIVER NEAR PINE CITY, MN 05336700: Stage=4.23ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,KETTLE RIVER BELOW SANDSTONE, MN 05331580: Flow=9020cfs,Stage=7.18ft,2024-02-26 16:55,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI RIVER BELOW L&D 2 AT HASTINGS, MN 05331000: Stage=3.36ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. PAUL, MN 05330000: Stage=6.49ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=25ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MINNESOTA RIVER NEAR JORDAN, MN 05327000: Stage=3.36ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Seasonal site,HIGH ISLAND CREEK NEAR HENDERSON, MN 05325000: Stage=4.38ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=22ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MINNESOTA RIVER AT MANKATO, MN 05320500: Stage=1.77ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LE SUEUR RIVER NEAR RAPIDAN, MN 05320000: Stage=1.87ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,BLUE EARTH RIVER NEAR RAPIDAN, MN 05319500: Stage=1.25ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,WATONWAN RIVER NEAR GARDEN CITY, MN 05317200: Stage=2.31ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LITTLE COTTONWOOD RIVER NEAR COURTLAND, MN 05317000: Stage=4.30ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=11ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,COTTONWOOD RIVER NEAR NEW ULM, MN 05316770: Stage=787.64ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=800ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MINNESOTA RIVER AT NEW ULM, MN 05316580: Flow=1470cfs,Stage=10.86ft,Floodstage=21ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,MINNESOTA RIVER AT MORTON, MN 05316500: Stage=2.35ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=6ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,REDWOOD RIVER NEAR REDWOOD FALLS, MN 05313500: Stage=3.39ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,YELLOW MEDICINE RIVER NEAR GRANITE FALLS, MN 05311150: Flow=634cfs,2023-11-15 05:45,Stage=881.02ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=885ft,Not ranked,MINNESOTA RIVER AT HWY 212 IN GRANITE FALLS, MN 05305000: Stage=36.11ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CHIPPEWA RIVER (TW) NEAR WATSON, MN 05304995: Stage=39.57ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,CHIPPEWA R. (HW) ABOVE COUNTY RD 13 NR WATSON, MN 05304500: Stage=1.64ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CHIPPEWA RIVER NEAR MILAN, MN 05300000: Stage=7.06ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LAC QUI PARLE RIVER NEAR LAC QUI PARLE, MN 05294000: Stage=5.18ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,POMME DE TERRE RIVER AT APPLETON, MN 05293000: Stage=2.98ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,YELLOW BANK RIVER NEAR ODESSA, MN 05291000: Stage=1.84ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WHETSTONE RIVER NEAR BIG STONE CITY, SD 05290000: Stage=10.92ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=17ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,LITTLE MINNESOTA RIVER NEAR PEEVER, SD 05289800: Stage=12.03ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,MINNEHAHA CREEK AT HIAWATHA AVE. IN MINNEAPOLIS,MN 05289100: Stage=925.22ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,MINNEHAHA CREEK BLW GRAYS BAY DAM IN MINNETONKA MN 05289000: Stage=928.73ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,LAKE MINNETONKA ABV GRAYS BAY OTLT IN MINNETONKA 05288705: Stage=9.16ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,SHINGLE CREEK AT QUEEN AVE IN MINNEAPOLIS, MN 05288670: Stage=89.44ft,Floodstage=16ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI RIVER ABV 37TH AVE. NE IN FRIDLEY, MN 05288580: Stage=6.29ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RICE CREEK BLW OLD HWY. 8 IN MOUNDS VIEW, MN 05287890: Stage=3.95ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,ELM CREEK NR CHAMPLIN, MN 05286000: Stage=2.83ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=8ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RUM RIVER NEAR ST. FRANCIS, MN 05284000: Stage=10.75ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,MILLE LACS LAKE AT COVE BAY NEAR ONAMIA, MN 05283500: Stage=4.55ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT US HWY 169 AT CHAMPLIN, MN 05280000: Stage=3.25ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,CROW RIVER AT ROCKFORD, MN 05275000: Stage=1.01ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,ELK RIVER NEAR BIG LAKE, MN 05270700: Stage=4.80ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Floodstage=9ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT ST. CLOUD, MN 05244000: Stage=2.69ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CROW WING RIVER AT NIMROD, MN 05243725: Stage=1.16ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,STRAIGHT RIVER NEAR PARK RAPIDS, MN 05242300: Stage=5.97ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=16ft,Not ranked,Back Water,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT BRAINERD, MN 05227530: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,MISSISSIPPI RIVER DIVERSION NEAR AITKIN, MN 05227500: Stage=6.44ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Back Water,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT AITKIN, MN 05212700: Stage=2.57ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,PRAIRIE RIVER NEAR TACONITE, MN 05211000: Stage=2.76ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT GRAND RAPIDS, MN 05210000: Stage=72.44ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,MISSISSIPPI R. AT DAYS HIGH LANDING NR DEER RIVER 05207600: Stage=5.48ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,MISSISSIPPI RIVER AT WILLOW BEACH AT BALL CLUB, MN 05205900: Stage=94.47ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,LEECH LAKE AT SUGAR POINT NEAR FEDERAL DAM, MN 05200510: Not ranked,Seasonal site,MISSISSIPPI RIVER NEAR BEMIDJI, MN 05140521: Stage=58.25ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,LK OF THE WOODS @ SPRINGSTEEL IS NR. WARROAD, MN 05140520: Stage=58.27ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,LAKE OF THE WOODS AT WARROAD, MN 05137500: Stage=4.00ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,RAINY RIVER NEAR BOAT LANDING AT WHEELERS POINT,MN 05134200: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,RAPID RIVER NEAR BAUDETTE, MN 05133500: Stage=3.39ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RAINY RIVER AT MANITOU RAPIDS, MN 05132000: Stage=3.76ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=16ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BIG FORK RIVER AT BIG FALLS, MN 05131500: Stage=2.89ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=22ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,LITTLE FORK RIVER AT LITTLEFORK, MN 05129515: Stage=15.12ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RAINY R AT BOAT LANDING BLW INTERNATIONAL FALLS,MN 05126210: Flow=259cfs,Stage=3.95ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,SOUTH KAWISHIWI R ABV WHITE IRON LAKE NR ELY, MN 05112000: Stage=2.35ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROSEAU RIVER BELOW STATE DITCH 51 NR CARIBOU, MN 05107500: Stage=2.32ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROSEAU RIVER AT ROSS, MN 05106000: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,SPRAGUE CREEK NEAR SPRAGUE, MANITOBA, CANADA 05104500: Stage=3.96ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,ROSEAU RIVER BELOW SOUTH FORK NEAR MALUNG, MN 05102490: Stage=14.44ft,Floodstage=39ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT PEMBINA, ND 05094000: Stage=3.40ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,SOUTH BRANCH TWO RIVERS AT LAKE BRONSON, MN 05092000: Stage=12.91ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=32ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT DRAYTON, ND 05087500: Stage=3.91ft,2024-02-26 14:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,MIDDLE RIVER AT ARGYLE, MN 05085450: Stage=61.87ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Floodstage=67ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SNAKE RIVER ABOVE WARREN, MN 05083500: Stage=10.09ft,Floodstage=26ft,2024-02-26 17:15,Not ranked,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT OSLO, MN 05082500: Stage=16.58ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=28ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT GRAND FORKS, ND 05080000: Stage=12.48ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED LAKE RIVER AT FISHER, MN 05079000: Stage=5.02ft,2024-02-26 16:15:00,Floodstage=15ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED LAKE RIVER AT CROOKSTON, MN 05078500: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,CLEARWATER RIVER AT RED LAKE FALLS, MN 05078230: Stage=3.78ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,LOST RIVER AT OKLEE, MN 05078000: Stage=3.42ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,CLEARWATER RIVER AT PLUMMER, MN 05076000: Stage=4.69ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,THIEF RIVER NEAR THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN 05075000: Stage=5.30ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=12ft,Not ranked,Seasonal site,RED LAKE RIVER AT HIGH LANDING NR GOODRIDGE, MN 05074500: Stage=69.65ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED LAKE RIVER NEAR RED LAKE, MN 05074000: Stage=74.19ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,LOWER RED LAKE NR RED LAKE, MN 05073500: Stage=74.07ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,UPPER RED LAKE AT WASKISH, MN 05070000: Stage=19.32ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH NEAR THOMPSON, ND 05069000: Stage=5.19ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=20ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SAND HILL RIVER AT CLIMAX, MN 05067500: Flow=0.09cfs,2023-11-30 19:45,Not ranked,MARSH RIVER NEAR SHELLY, MN 05064500: Stage=8.32ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=26ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT HALSTAD, MN 05064000: Stage=5.71ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=20ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WILD RICE RIVER AT HENDRUM, MN 05063398: Stage=5.75ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Back Water,S. BR. WILD RICE RIVER AT CO. RD. 27 NR FELTON, MN 05062500: Stage=2.60ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Floodstage=10ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WILD RICE RIVER AT TWIN VALLEY, MN 05062000: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,BUFFALO RIVER NEAR DILWORTH, MN 05061500: Stage=7.00ft,2024-02-26 17:45:00,Floodstage=13ft,Not ranked,Back Water,SOUTH BRANCH BUFFALO RIVER AT SABIN, MN 05061000: Stage=3.30ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Floodstage=8ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BUFFALO RIVER NEAR HAWLEY, MN 05060400: Stage=69.50ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=84ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,SHEYENNE RIVER AT HARWOOD, ND 05054000: Stage=15.05ft,2024-02-26 17:15:00,Floodstage=18ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT FARGO, ND 05053000: Stage=11.08ft,2024-02-26 14:00:00,Floodstage=20ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,WILD RICE RIVER NR ABERCROMBIE, ND 05052500: Stage=24.01ft,2023-10-01 00:45:00,Not ranked,Zero flow,ANTELOPE CREEK AT DWIGHT, ND 05051522: Stage=11.68ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Floodstage=30ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT HICKSON, ND 05051500: Stage=5.16ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=11ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,RED RIVER OF THE NORTH AT WAHPETON, ND 05051300: Stage=7.95ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,BOIS DE SIOUX RIVER NEAR DORAN, MN 05050000: Stage=5.17ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=14ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,BOIS DE SIOUX RIVER NEAR WHITE ROCK, SD 05049995: Stage=72.42ft,2024-02-26 17:30,Not ranked,MUD LAKE ABOVE WHITE ROCK DAM NEAR WHITE ROCK, SD 05049710: Stage=72.65ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,LAKE TRAVERSE OTLT AT RESERVATION DAM NR WHEATON 05049700: Stage=77.03ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,LAKE TRAVERSE AT RESERVATION DAM NEAR WHEATON, MN 05049000: Stage=77.05ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Not ranked,Seasonal site,MUSTINKA RIVER ABOVE WHEATON, MN 05046475: Stage=15.06ft,2024-01-07 00:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,OTTER TAIL RIVER DIVERSION AT BRECKENRIDGE, MN 05030500: Flow=334cfs,Stage=5.66ft,2024-02-26 17:00,Not ranked,OTTER TAIL RIVER NEAR ELIZABETH, MN 04024430: Stage=4.89ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Floodstage=24ft,Not ranked,Back Water,NEMADJI RIVER NEAR SOUTH SUPERIOR, WI 04024000: Stage=3.81ft,2024-02-26 17:30:00,Floodstage=10.5ft,Not ranked,Ice affected,ST. LOUIS RIVER AT SCANLON, MN 04021520: Stage=3.94ft,2024-02-26 17:00:00,Not ranked,Back Water,STONEY BROOK AT PINE DRIVE NEAR BROOKSTON, MN 04015438: Stage=17.60ft,2024-02-26 16:45:00,Not ranked,Ice affected,ST. LOUIS RIVER NEAR SKIBO, MN 04015330: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,KNIFE RIVER NEAR TWO HARBORS, MN 04010500: Not ranked,Equipment malfunction,PIGEON RIVER AT MIDDLE FALLS NR GRAND PORTAGE MN Go to WaterWatch (offsite) for a larger map with additional options