Bemidji Crude-Oil Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
2009 Field Work:
 Bill preparing core sample to be shipped.
 Andrew checking presence of oil in a well during a geophysics well installation.
 Troy and Peter collecting data in newly installed geophysics wells.
 Geoff outside of the MSEA trailer.
 Phill analyzing water samples with GC inside the MSEA trailer.
 Olga analyzing her samples in the MSEA trailer.
 Jim and Bill driling water tube near 310 nest while Ean and Dina prepare to install water tube.
 Christina and Jen collecting water samples at newly installed 528 well nest.
 Iowa drillers - Jim and Bill installing water tube for Ean in North Oil Pool.
 Phil and Geoff analyzing data in the MSEA trailer.
 Natasha and Olga's equipment deployed for collecting surface vibration and CO2 flux data for their project.
 Mindy analyzing gas samples with the GC inside the MSEA trailer.
 Joy calibrating a YSI sonde for another day of field parameter collection.
 Troy and Peter working on problematic geophysics equipment.
 Barbara and Dina collecting water samples.
 John and Andrew collecting a core sample.
 John and Andrew collecting core sample.
 Andrew holding up a bent core barrel that was damaged during a core collection.
 Marzia filtering water sample at well 510.
 Chris preparing to ship an unsaturated zone core inside the MSEA trailer.
 Isabelle and Jeanne organizing and preparing water samples in the MSEA trailer.
 Natasha working on her sampling.
 Crew from University of St. Thomas collecting micocosm data in the wetland.
 Oil sheen on the wetland's water surface.
 University of St. Thomas student analyzing wetland microcosm samples.
 Andrew finishing up installation on new geophysics well transect.
 Jeanne collecting a water sample from a well in the clear cut area.