Bemidji Crude-Oil Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
2008 Field Work:
 John and Andrew drilling on the North Well transect.
 John and Andrew trying to remove a lodged core barrel on the North Well Transect.
 John still trying to dislodge the core barrel.
 John and Andrew still working on the core barrel.
 Annie, Katie, and Trevor measuring field parameters in well 532.
 Dina doing injections for estimating microbial populations using the MPN method.
 Jared running unsaturated zone vapor samples on the gas chromatograph.
 View of north oil pool, facing southwest. Taken from the railroad track bed.
 Crew measuring field parameters on the North Well Transect.
 Dina measuring oil thickness at well 423
 Annie measuring water chemistry at the North Oil Pool using chemet kits.