July 10-23, 2006 field work:

Group photo of the research team during Week 1

2 of the primary research trip this year.

Jenifer Bode


Wally Larson.

Jennifer on a 6-wheel ATV.

Wally on a 4-wheeler.

and Dan measured field parameters in the wells
completed below unnamed lake.

They paddled to the raft in a canoe.

Following the sampling, Jenifer
put the field parameters in a spread sheet.

Herkelrath calibrated the pressure transducers
used prior to the aquifer test.

Bill analyzed
the data in the trailer during the test.

Water from the pumped well was discharged near the south pool.

The water was channeled into pipes.

The pipes were buried beneath the road.

We measured discharge from the pumped well using a Blancett flow meter and stored the discharge and water-level data on two dataloggers.

Discharge and water-leve were stored on two dataloggers.

Landon Gryzkowski and Dan took the lead in measuring
oil levels during the aquifer test.

Landon didn't need the tank cart to move the CO2 tanks into the needed positions.

cores were also collected with the freeze-shoe core barrel.

Bekins analyzed the soil cores outside the...

trailer prior to shipment back to the lab for MPN analyses.

Dan, and Barbara.

Dan, and Barbara removed the Fe-reducing
microcosm for inspection. Unfortunately, all
of the sediment in the microcosm fell out during
its removal.

We may be able to use the microcosm
elsewhere in the future, however.

Bennett and Geoff Delin conducted several more
unsaturated-zone push-pull tests, building upon
results from the preliminary work done in June.

The samples were injected directly into the USGS GC.

The sub-samples were injected into the University of Texas GC.

A convection
oven was used to bake out one of the GC
columns, which didn't fit inside either GC.

During this field session, a group of about 25
students (middle school and high-school
science teachers from across Minnesota) were given
an instructional tour of the site.

As part of their class, the students then measured water levels in a sub-set of the observation wells and constructed a water-table map.

A small forest fire broke out near the site during our trip. Fire fighting crews including a helicopter
was brought in to fight the fire.

The helicopter made multiple runs to pick up water in a bucket from a nearby
wetland/pond and then...

the water on the fire. It was put out quickly.

Following the field work, the tent was packed up.

An equipment inventory was competed in our storage facility in Bemidji.
June 15-20, 2006 field work:
A set of preliminary
unsaturated-zone push-pull tests were conducted
during this time period.

Phil Bennett and Geoff Delin...

the gas in a...

bag prior to injection.

The gas mixture was then directlyinjected into a vapor port, allowed to dissipate for a while.

The gas was then pumped back out again from the same port and directly injected into a gas chromatograph (GC) in the trailer.

The tubes installed from the air conditioned to
the top of the GC were for heat reduction, by the

Periodically, samples were collected from vapor ports overlying or underlying the injection port.