Bemidji Crude-Oil Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
July 22 - August 4, 2002 field work:
 Barbara Bekins processing a soil core.
 Rich Amos, Uli Meyer, and Tracy Hendrickson processing a soil core at the north pool.
 Ean Warren sonicating a sample in the MSEA trailer.
 Jennifer Rogers processing a sample in a glove box.
 Phil Bennett injecting a sample into a gas chromatograph.
 Tom Hendrickson and Brian Chaplin collecting a water sample.
 Geoff Delin injecting a sample into a gas chromatograph.
 Luke Stuewe and Wally Larson pulling augers after collecting a core near well 530.
 Tom, Tracy, and Vallerie Hendrickson innoculating samples in the MSEA trailer.
 Installation of new pipeline through the north pool site (looking north). Shelter at well 9621 is in foreground; shelters at 604 and 9018 are in the middle of the image. The pipeline was installed about 5 meters to the left of these shelters. The flagging is marking the location of buried cables.
 Backhoe installing the new pipeline (looking northeast). The shelter for well 9621 is visible in the foreground and the trailers are visible through the trees across the railroad grade in the background.
 Locating buried cables at the north pool.
 Trench and pipeline going through the north pool site.
 Digging at the south pool tracer test site. Looking southeast.
 View of the pipeline route through south pool.
 Water ponded at north pool following an intense rain storm.