Bemidji Crude-Oil Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
July 16-27 and October-November 2001 field work:
 Group photo of the research team.
 Bill Herkelrath inspecting a soil core.
 Barbara Bekins and Victor Paganelli cutting a soil core.
 Geoff Delin pulling a vapor sample for gas chromatograph analysis.
 Ron Baker injecting a sample into the GC in the MSEA trailer.
 Alyssa Boock injecting a vapor sample into the GC for analysis.
 Vic innoculating a sample in the MSEA trailer.
 Jennifer Rogers pulling a newly-designed microcosm out of a well.
 Fred Murphy programming and re-wiring a datalogger at well 9015.
 Installing a small-diameter well at the tracer test site.
 Wally Larson and Dan Rosemore drilling at tracer test well T10.
 Bill and Tracy Hendrickson applying tracers near well 9015 on October 2nd. Rhodamine WT and potassium bromide tracers were used.
 Finished application of tracers. The tracers were applied to a 5x12 meter area.
 Wally filling in the pit near well 9014 using a backhoe after we installed soil moisture and temperature probes on October 29th.