Bemidji Crude-Oil Project
Minnesota PROJECTS
USGS Water Science Centers are located in each state.
September 8-20, 1996 field work:
photo of the research team.
 View of the spray zone
and the "MSEA" office trailer from near the railroad crossing at the north oil pool.
 Ean Warren and Nate Eklund test drilling with the Dig-R mobile (32 KB) at the south oil pool.
 Ean Warren, Mike Godsy, and Gary Curtis installing a Solinst drive point and sampling tube (38 KB) at the south oil pool.
 Mike Godsy holding a soon-to-be installed multi-level sampling well (26 KB) at the south oil pool.
 Bill Herkelrath making surface tension measurments (23 KB) in the "MSEA" trailer.
 Barbara Bekins and Mike Godsy collecting a concentrated bacteria sample (30 KB).
 Mary Jo Baedecker collecting a filtered water sample (20 KB).
 View of TDR probes installed in a trench (37 KB) at the south pool, September 1996.
 Close-up view of a TDR probe (45 KB) and a thermocouple insatlled in the trench wall.
 Jeff Lucius conducting GPR work at the south pool, October 1996.