Minnesota Water Science Center
CURRENT CONDITIONSCurrent streamflow conditions in Minnesota.
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Return to Water Resource Annual Data Reports web page Return to Water Year 1999 Annual Report Index web page IntroductionThe Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with State agencies, obtains a large amount of data pertaining to the water resources of Minnesota each water year. These data, accumulated during many years, constitute a valuable data base for developing an improved understanding of the water resources of the State. To make these data readily available to interested parties outside the USGS, the data are published annually in this report series entitled "Water Resources Data - Minnesota." Water-resources data for the
1999 water year (hereinafter 1999) for Minnesota consist of records of
stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; and stage of lakes and
reservoirs; and water quality of ground water. This volume contains discharge
records for 103 stream-gaging stations; stage for 11 lakes and reservoirs;
water quality for 13 stream-gaging stations; peak flow data for 87 high-flow
partial-record stations; and 15 ground-water observation wells. These data
represent a part of the National Water Data System collected by the USGS
and cooperating State and Federal agencies in Minnesota.
This series of annual reports
for Minnesota began with the 1961 water year with a report that contained
only data relating to the quantities of surface water. For the 1964 water
year, a similar report was introduced that contained only data relating
to water quality. Beginning with the 1975 water year, the report was changed
to present, in one volume, data on quantities of surface water, quality
of surface and ground water, and ground-water levels.
Prior to introduction of this
series and for several water years concurrent with it, water-resources
data for Minnesota were published in U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply
Papers. Data on stream discharge and stage and on lake or reservoir contents
and stage, through September 1960, were published annually under the title
"Surface-Water Supply of the United States, Parts 4, 5 and 6A." For the
1961 through 1970 water years, the data were published in two 5-year reports.
Data on chemical quality, temperature, and suspended sediment for the 1941
through 1970 water years were published annually under the title "Quality
of Surface Waters of the United States," and water levels for the 1935
through 1974 water years were published under the title "Ground-Water Levels
in the United States." The above mentioned Water-Supply papers can be consulted
in the libraries of the principal cities of the United States and may be
purchased from the U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Information Services,
Denver Federal Center, Box 25286, Denver, Colorado 80225.
Publications similar to this
report are published annually by the USGS for all States. These official
Survey reports have an identification number consisting of the two-letter
State abbreviation, the last two digits of the water year, and volume number.
For example, this volume is identified as the "U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data
Report MN-99-1." For archiving and general distribution, the reports for
1971-74 water years also are identified as water-data reports. These water-data
reports are for sale in paper copy or in microfiche by the National Technical
Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia
Additional information, including
current prices, for ordering specific reports may be obtained from the
District Chief at the address given on the back of the title page or by
telephone (763) 783-3100.
CooperationThe USGS and agencies of the
State of Minnesota have had cooperative agreements for the systematic collection
of streamflow records since 1909, for ground-water levels since 1948, and
for water-quality records since 1952. Organizations that assisted in collecting
data through cooperative agreement with the USGS are:
Assistance in the form of funds or services was given by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of State, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Other organizations that supplied data are acknowledged in station descriptions. Summary of Hydrologic ConditionsPrecipitationMost of Minnesota received
near normal precipitation ("normal" being the statistical median based
on data from 1961-90) during the 1999 water year (figs. 1 and 2). The deviations
from normal ranged from 0.3 inches below normal in the southwest to 13.8
inches above normal in the northeast. Statewide, the precipitation totals
for the 1999 water year averaged 7.2 inches (127 percent) above normal.
Precipitation totals for the
first quarter, October 1 to December 31, 1998, ranged from 231 percent
of normal in the northwest to 93 percent of normal in the southeast, with
the statewide average of 154 percent of normal. Most of the precipitation
occurred in October, with the northwest part of the State receiving over
5 inches, or 331 percent of normal that month. The greatest snowfalls occurred
in November, but unseasonably warm temperatures melted off most of the
snow pack by mid-December.
Precipitation for the second
quarter, January 1 to March 31, 1999, was an average of 94 percent below
normal statewide. Greatest deviations from normal were 115 percent in the
northwest to 74 percent in the southwest with most of the State having
near-normal precipitation totals for this quarter. Largest monthly deviations
occurred in the west-central and central parts of the State with just 21
and 18 percent respectively of normal precipitation during February.
For the third quarter, April
1 to June 30, 1999, precipitation totals were near normal to above normal
for the entire state, ranging from 102 percent in the west-central to 152
percent of normal in the south-central. The southern one-third of the state
received over 200 percent of normal precipitation for April. For the remainder
of the state, May produced precipitation totals ranging from 118 percent
of normal in the southwest to 232 percent of normal in the north-central.
The final quarter, July 1 to
September 30, 1999, saw precipitation totals range from 180 percent of
normal in the northeast to 74 percent of normal in the southwest. Precipitation
amounts were generally above normal in the north to near normal for the
remainder of the stage in July and by September were near normal in the
north, to below normal in the south.
Precipitation data not derived
from figures 1 and 2 were obtained through the World Wide Web at: http://mcc.sws.uiuc.edu/index.html
Surface WaterFigure 3 shows monthly-mean
and annual-mean discharges for water year 1999 compared to normal (median
of monthly-mean discharges for the period 1961-90) for 7 streamflow gaging
stations. These stations are located in 4 major basins--Lake Superior,
Red River of the North, Lake of the Woods, and the upper Mississippi River.
The 1999 annual-mean discharges were greater than the 30-year median of
annual mean discharges for all seven gaging stations except Crow River
at Rockford, which was near normal.
Monthly-mean discharges for
the Pigeon River at Middle Falls near Grand Portage were above normal except
during May and June. Departures from normal ranged from 67 percent below
normal (June) to 344 percent above normal (October). The annual-mean discharge
for 1999 was 720 ft 3 /s, or 136 percent of normal. Annual runoff
was 16.1 inches, an increase of 11.0 inches from the previous year.
Above normal monthly-mean discharges
occurred every month except January and February, for the Red Lake River
at Crookston, which is in the Red River of the North Basin. Flows in January
and February were 86 and 77 percent of normal, while flows for the remaining
months ranged from 124 percent of normal in December to 1,810 percent of
normal in September. Annual runoff for 1999 was 7.4 inches, an increase
of 2.3 inches from the previous year. Annual-mean discharge was 2,850 ft
3 /s, which is 198 percent of normal.
Monthly-mean discharges for
the Little Fork River at Littlefork, which is in the Lake of the Woods
Basin, were above normal except during June. June flows were 48 percent
of normal while flows for the year were from 103 percent (November) to
410 percent (July) above normal. Annual-mean discharge for 1999 was 1510
ft 3 /s, which is 129 percent of normal. Annual runoff for 1999
was 12.2 inches, an increase of 7.3 inches from the previous year.
Flows in the Mississippi River
at Aitkin were normal during October, February and March, and above normal
the remainder of the year. Flows were as high as 356 percent of normal
by September. The annual-mean discharge of 4,180 ft 3 /s for 1999
is 151 percent of normal, and annual runoff was 9.2 inches or 3.5 inches
greater than last year.
Flows in the Crow River at
Rockford, located about 30 miles west of the Twin Cities in the Mississippi
River Basin, were above normal except during October, which was normal,
and April which was 91 percent of normal. Flows ranged as high as 197 and
243 percent of normal for January and February. The annual-mean discharge
of 840 ft 3 /s for 1999 is 101 percent of normal. Annual runoff
was 4.3 inches, or 1.9 inches less than last year.
In the Chippewa River near
Milan, monthly-mean flows were above normal for the entire year. Departures
from normal ranged from 171 percent in April to 928 percent in February.
The annual-mean discharge for 1999 was 690 ft 3 /s, which was 227
percent of normal. Annual runoff was 5.0 inches, or 1.3 inches more than
the previous year.
Flows in the Des Moines River
at Jackson in southwest Minnesota were also above normal throughout the
year except for August, which was normal, and September, which was 50 percent
of normal. Aside from October 1997, September is the first month since
May 1991 with flows below normal. Monthly-mean flows for the remainder
of the year ranged from 135 percent to 1360 percent of normal. The annual-mean
discharge of 540 ft 3 /s for 1999 was 225 percent of normal. Annual
runoff was 5.9 inches, or 3.0 inches more than last year.
For stations with over 10 years
of continuous record, one site, Knife River at Two Harbors, had a peak
flow of record in the 1999 water year. The discharge was 9100 ft3/s at
a peak stage of 12.14 ft. The peak occurred on July 5th. There were no
record lows for long term stations.
Ground-Water LevelsThe current observation-well
network includes 15 wells of which 13 are equipped with recorders. These
wells include three in surficial-sand aquifers, one in the St. Peter aquifer,
eight in the Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer, two in the Franconia-Ironton-Galesville
aquifer, and one in the Mount-Simon-Hinckley-Fond du Lac aquifer.The location
of these wells is shown in figure 4.
Figure 4 Special Networks and ProgramsHydrologic
Bench-Mark Network is a network of 50 sites in small drainage basins around
the country whose purpose is to provide consistent data on the hydrology,
including water quality, and related factors in representative undeveloped
watersheds nationwide, and to provide analyses on a continuing basis to
compare and contrast conditions observed in basins more obviously affected
by human activities.
Stream-Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) monitors the water quality of
large rivers within four of the Nation's largest river basins--the Mississippi,
Columbia, Colorado, and Rio Grande. The network consists of 39 stations.
Samples are collected with sufficient frequency that the flux of a wide
range of constituents can be estimated. The objective of NASQAN is to characterize
the water quality of these large rivers by measuring concentration and
mass transport of a wide range of dissolved and suspended constituents,
including nutrients, major ions, dissolved and sediment-bound heavy metals,
common pesticides, and inorganic and organic forms of carbon. This information
will be used to (1) describe the long-term trends and changes in concentration
and transport of these constituents; (2) test findings of the NAWQA; (3)
characterize processes unique to large-river systems such as storage and
re-mobilization of sediments and associated contaminants; and (4) refine
existing estimates of off-continent transport of water, sediment, and chemicals
for assessing human effects on the world's oceans and for determining global
cycles of carbon, nutrients, and other chemicals.
National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN)
provides continuous measurement and assessment of the chemical climate
of precipitation throughout the United States. As the lead Federal agency,
the USGS works together with over 100 organizations to accomplish the following
objectives: (1) Provide a long-term, spatial and temporal record of atmospheric
deposition generated from a network of 191 precipitation chemistry monitoring
sites. (2) Provide the mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the significant
reduction in SO2 emissions that began in 1995 as implementation of the
Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) occurred. (3) Provide the scientific basis
and nationwide evaluation mechanism for implementation of the Phase II
CAAA emission reductions for SO2 and NOx scheduled to begin in 2000.
Data from the network, as well
as information about individual sites, are available through the World
Wide Web at: http://nadp.nrel.colostate.edu/NADP
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program of the USGS is a long-term
program with goals to describe the status and trends of water-quality conditions
for a large, representative part of the Nation's ground- and surface-water
resources; provide an improved understanding of the primary natural and
human factors affecting these observed conditions and trends; and provide
information that supports development and evaluation of management, regulatory,
and monitoring decisions by other agencies.
Assessment activities are being
conducted in 53 study units (major watersheds and aquifer systems) that
represent a wide range of environmental settings nationwide and that account
for a large percentage of the Nation's water use. A wide array of chemical
constituents will be measured in ground water, surface water, streambed
sediments, and fish tissues. The coordinated application of comparative
hydrologic studies at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales will
provide information for decision making by water-resources managers and
a foundation for aggregation and comparison of findings to address water-quality
issues of regional and national interest.
Communication and coordination
between USGS personnel and other local, State, and Federal interests are
critical components of the NAWQA. Each study unit has a local liaison committee
consisting of representatives from key Federal, State, and local water
resources agencies, Indian nations, and universities in the study unit.
Liaison committees typically meet semiannually to discuss their information
needs, monitoring plans and progress, desired information products, and
opportunities to collaborate efforts among the agencies.
Explanation of the RecordsThe surface-water and ground-water
records published in this report are for the 1999 water year that began
October 1, 1998, and ended September 30, 1999. A calendar of the water
year is provided on the inside of the front cover. The records contain
streamflow data, stage and content data for lakes and reservoirs, water-quality
data for the surface and ground water, and ground-water-level data. The
following sections of the introductory text are presented to provide users
with a more detailed explanation of how the hydrologic data published in
this report were collected, analyzed, computed, and arranged for presentation.
Station Identification NumbersEach data station, whether
stream site or well, in this report is assigned a unique identification
number. This number is unique in that it applies specifically to a given
station. The number usually is assigned when a station is first established
and is retained for that station indefinitely. The system used by the USGS
to assign identification numbers for surface-water stations and for ground-water
well sites differ, but both are based on geographic location. The "downstream
order" system is used for regular surface-water stations and the "latitude-longitude"
system is used for wells and, in Minnesota, for surface-water stations
where only miscellaneous measurements are made.
Downstream Order System and Station NumberSince October 1, 1950, the
order of listing hydrologic-station records in USGS reports is in a downstream
direction along the main stream. All stations on a tributary entering upstream
from a main stream station are listed before that station. A station on
a tributary that enters between two main-stream sections is listed between
them. A similar order is followed by listing stations on first rank, second
rank, and other order ranks of tributaries. The rank of any tributary on
which a station is situated with respect to the stream to which it is immediately
tributary is indicated by an indentation in a list of stations in front
of the report. Each indentation represents one rank. This downstream order
and system of indention show which stations are on tributaries between
any two stations and the rank of the tributary on which each station is
As an added means of identification,
each hydrologic station and partial-record station has been assigned a
station number. These are in the same downstream order in this report.
In assigning station numbers, no distinction is made between partial-record
stations and other stations; therefore, the station number for a partial-record
station indicates downstream-order position in a list made up of both types
of stations. Gaps are left in the series of numbers to allow for new stations
that may be established; hence, the numbers are not consecutive. The complete
eight-digit number for each station such as 05041000, which appears just
to the left of the station name, includes the two-digit part number "05"
plus the six-digit downstream order number "041000."
Numbering System for Wells and Miscellaneous SitesThe eight-digit downstream
order station numbers are not assigned to wells and miscellaneous sites
where only random water-quality samples or discharge measurements are taken.
The well and miscellaneous
site numbering system of the USGS is based on the grid system of latitude
and longitude. The system provides the geographic location of the well
or miscellaneous site and a unique number for each site. The number consists
of 15 digits. The first six digits denote the degrees, minutes, and seconds
of latitude, the next seven digits denote degrees, minutes, and seconds
of longitude, and the last two digits (assigned sequentially) identify
the wells or other sites within a one-second grid. See figure 5. Each well
site is also identified by a local well number, which consists of township,
range, and section numbers, three letters designating 1/4, 1/4, 1/4 section
location, and a two-digit sequential number.
Records of Stage and Water DischargeRecords of stage and water
discharge may be complete or partial. Complete records of discharge are
those obtained using a continuous stage-recording device through which
either instantaneous or mean- daily discharge may be computed for anytime,
or any period of time, during the period of record. Complete records of
lake or reservoir content, similarly, are those for which stage or content
may be computed or estimated with reasonable accuracy for any time, or
period of time. They may be obtained using a continuous stage-recording
device, but need not be. Because daily-mean discharges and end-of-day contents
commonly are published for such stations, they are referred to as "daily
By contrast, partial records
are obtained through discrete measurements without using a continuous stage-recording
device and pertain only to a few flow characteristics, or perhaps only
one. The nature of the partial record is indicated by table titles such
as "High-flow partial records," or "Low-flow partial records." Records
of miscellaneous discharge measurements or of measurements from special
studies, such as low-flow seepage studies, may be considered as partial
records, but they are presented separately in this report. Location of
all continuous-record, surface-water-quality, and high-flow partial-record
stations for which data are given in this report are shown in figures 6,
7, and 8.
Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Data Collection and ComputationThe data obtained at a complete-record
gaging station on a stream or canal consist of a continuous record of stage,
individual measurements of discharge throughout a range of stages, and
notations regarding factors that may affect the relations between stage
and discharge. These data, together with supplemental information, such
as weather records, are used to compute daily discharges. The data obtained
at a complete-record gaging station on a lake or reservoir consist of a
record of stage and of notations regarding factors that may affect the
relation between stage and lake content. These data are used with stage-area
and stage-capacity curves or tables to compute water-surface areas and
lake storage.
Records of stage are obtained
with recorders that trace continuous graphs of stage or encode stage values
at selected time intervals and store on a variety of media. Measurements
of discharge are made with current meters using methods adapted by the
USGS as a result of experience accumulated since 1880. These methods are
described in standard textbooks, in U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply
Paper 2175, and in U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources
Investigations (TWRI), book 3, chapter A6.
In computing discharge records,
results of individual measurements are plotted against the corresponding
stages, and stage-discharge relation curves are then constructed. From
these curves, rating tables indicating the approximate discharge for any
stage within the range of the measurements are prepared. If it is necessary
to define extremes of discharge outside the range of current-meter measurements,
the curves are extended using: (1) logarithmic-plotting; (2) velocity-area
studies; (3) results of indirect measurements of peak discharge, such as
slope-area or contracted-opening measurements, and computations of flow-over-dams
or weirs; or (4) step-backwater techniques.
Daily-mean discharges are computed
by applying the daily-mean stages (gage heights) to the stage-discharge
curves or tables. If the stage-discharge relation is subject to change
because of frequent or continual change in the physical features that form
the control, the daily-mean discharge is determined by the shifting-control
method, in which correction factors based on the individual discharge measurements
and notes of the personnel making the measurements are applied to the gage
heights before the discharges are determined from the curves or tables.
This shifting-control method also is used if the stage-discharge relation
is changed temporarily because of aquatic growth or debris on the control.
For some stations, formation of ice in the winter may so obscure the stage-discharge
relations that daily-mean discharges must be estimated from other information
such as temperature and precipitation records, notes of observations, and
records for other stations in the same or nearby basins for comparable
At some stream-gaging stations
the stage-discharge relation is affected by the backwater from reservoirs,
tributary streams, or other sources. This necessitates the use of the slope
method in which the slope or fall in a reach of the stream is a factor
in computing discharge. The slope or fall is obtained by means of an auxiliary
gage set at some distance from the base gage. At some stations the stage-discharge
relation is affected by changing stage. At these stations the rate of change
in stage is used as a factor in computing discharge.
In computing records of lake
or reservoir contents, it is necessary to have available from surveys,
curves, or tables defining the relation of stage and content. The application
of stage to the stage-content curves or tables gives the contents from
which daily, monthly, or yearly changes then are determined. If the stage-content
relation changes because of deposition of sediment in a lake or reservoir,
periodic resurveys may be necessary to redefine the relation. Even when
this is done, the contents computed may become increasingly in error as
time since the last survey increases. Discharge over lake or reservoir
spillways are computed from stage-discharge relations much as other stream
discharges are computed.
For some gaging stations there
are periods when no gage-height record is obtained, or the recorded gage
height is so faulty that it cannot be used to compute daily discharge or
contents. For such periods, the daily discharges are estimated from the
recorded range in stage, previous or following record, discharge measurements,
weather records, and comparison with other station records from the same
or nearby basins. Likewise, daily contents may be estimated from operator's
logs, previous or following record, inflow-outflow studies, and other information.
Information explaining how estimated daily-discharge values are identified
in station records is included in the next two sections, "Data Presentation"
(REMARKS paragraph) and "Identifying Estimated Daily Discharge."
Data PresentationStreamflow data in this report
are presented in a new format that is considerably different from the format
in data reports prior to the 1991 water year. The major changes are that
statistical characteristics of discharge now appear in tabular summaries
following the water-year data table and less information is provided in
the text or station manuscript above the table. These changes represent
the results of a pilot program to reformat the annual water-data report
to meet current user needs and data preferences.
The records published for each
continuous-record surface-water discharge station (gaging station) now
consist of four parts: the manuscript or station description; the data
table of daily-mean values of discharge for the current water year with
summary data; a tabular statistical summary of monthly-mean-flow data for
a designated period, by water year; and a summary statistics table that
includes statistical data of annual, daily and instantaneous flows as well
as data pertaining to annual runoff, 7-day low-flow minimums, and flow
Station ManuscriptThe manuscript provides, under
various headings, descriptive information, such as station location, period
of record, historical extremes outside the period of record, record accuracy,
and other remarks pertinent to station operation and regulation. The following
information, as appropriate, is provided with each continuous record of
discharge or lake content. Comments to follow clarify information presented
under the various headings of the station description.
LOCATION-- Information
on locations is obtained from the most accurate maps available. The location
of the gage with respect to the cultural and physical features in the vicinity
and with respect to the reference place mentioned in the station name is
given. River mileages, given for only a few stations, were determined by
methods given in "River Mileage Measurement," Bulletin 14, Revision of
October 1968, prepared by the Water Resources Council or were provided
by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
areas are measured using the most accurate maps available. Because the
type of maps available varies from one drainage basin to another, the accuracy
of drainage areas likewise varies. Drainage areas are updated as better
maps become available.
indicates the period for which there are published records for the station
or for an equivalent station. An equivalent station is one that was in
operation at a time when the present station was not, and whose location
was such that records from it can reasonably be considered equivalent with
records from the present station.
records, because of new information, occasionally are found to be incorrect,
and revisions are printed in later reports. Listed under this heading are
all reports in which revisions have been published for the station and
water years to which the revisions apply. If a revision did not include
daily, monthly, or annual figures of discharge, that fact is noted after
the year dates as follows: "(M)" means that only the instantaneous maximum
discharge was revised; "(m)" means that only the instantaneous minimum
was revised; and "(P)" means that only peak discharges were revised. If
the drainage area has been revised, the report in which the most recently
revised figure was first published is given.
GAGE-- The type of gage
in current use, the datum of the current gage referred to National Geodetic
Vertical Datum of 1929 (see glossary), and a condensed history of the types,
locations, and datum of previous gages are given under this heading.
REMARKS-- All periods
of estimated daily-discharge record will either be identified by date in
this paragraph of the station description for water-discharge stations
or flagged in the daily-discharge table. If a remarks statement is used
to identify estimated record, the paragraph will begin with this information
presented as the first entry. The paragraph is also used to present information
relative to the accuracy of the records, to special methods of computation,
to conditions that affect natural flow at the station and, possibly, to
other pertinent items. For reservoir stations, information is given on
the dam forming the reservoir, the capacity, outlet works and spillway,
and purpose and use of the reservoir.
provided by a cooperating organization or obtained for the USGS by a cooperating
organization are identified here.
OF RECORD-- Included here is the information concerning major floods
or unusually low flows that occurred outside the stated period of record.
The information may or may not have been obtained by the USGS.
REVISIONS-- If a critical
error in published records is discovered, a revision is included in the
first report published following discovery of the error.
Although rare, occasionally the records of a discontinued gaging station may need revision. Because, for these stations, there would be no current or, possibly, future station manuscript published to document the revision in a "Revised Records" entry, users of data for these stations who obtained the record from previously published data reports may wish to contact the Minnesota District office (address given on the back of title page of this report) to determine if the published records were ever revised after the station was discontinued. Of course, if the data were obtained by computer retrieval, the data would be current and there would be no need to check because any published revision of data is always accompanied by revision of the corresponding data in computer storage. Manuscript information for lake or reservoir stations differs from that for stream stations in the nature of the "Remarks" and to the inclusion of a skeleton stage-capacity table when daily contents are given. Headings for AVERAGE DISCHARGE, EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD, AND EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR have been deleted and the information contained in these paragraphs, except for the listing of secondary instantaneous peak discharges in the EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR paragraph, is now presented in the tabular summaries following the discharge table or in the REMARKS paragraph, as appropriate. No changes have been made to the data presentations of lake contents. Peak Discharges Greater Than Base DischargeTables of peak discharges above
base discharge are included for some stations where secondary instantaneous
peak discharges are used in flood-frequency studies of highway and bridge
design, flood-control structures, and other flood-related projects. The
base discharge value is selected so an average of three peaks a year will
be reported. This base discharge value has a recurrence interval of approximately
1.1 years.
Data Table of Daily-Mean ValuesThe daily table of discharge
records for stream-gaging stations gives mean discharge for each day of
the water year. In the monthly summary for the table, the line headed TOTAL
gives the sum of the daily figures for each month; the line headed MEAN
gives the average flow in cubic feet per second for the month; and the
lines headed MAX and MIN give the maximum and minimum daily-mean discharges,
respectively, for each month. Discharge for the month also is usually expressed
in cubic feet per second per square mile (line headed CFSM); or in inches
(line headed IN); or in acre-feet (line headed AC-FT). Figures for cubic
feet per second per square mile and runoff in inches or in acre-feet may
be omitted if there is extensive regulation or diversion or if the drainage
area includes large noncontributing areas. At some stations, monthly and
(or) yearly observed discharges are adjusted for reservoir storage or diversion,
or diversion data or reservoir contents are given. These figures are identified
by a symbol and corresponding footnote.
Statistics of Monthly-Mean DataA tabular summary of the mean
(line headed MEAN), maximum (line headed MAX), and minimum (line headed
MIN) of monthly-mean flows for each month for a designated period is provided
below the mean values table. The water years of the first occurrence of
the maximum and minimum monthly flows are provided immediately below those
figures. The designated period will be expressed as FOR WATER YEARS 19__-19__,
BY WATER YEAR (WY), and will list the first and last water years of the
range of years selected from the PERIOD OF RECORD paragraph in the station
manuscript. It will consist of all of the station record within the specified
water years, inclusive, including complete months of record for partial
water years, if any, and may coincide with the period of record for the
station. The water years for which the statistics are computed will be
consecutive, unless a break in the station record is indicated in the manuscript.
Summary StatisticsA table titled SUMMARY STATISTICS
follows the statistics of monthly mean data tabulation. This table consists
of four columns, with the first column containing the line headings of
the statistics being reported. The table provides a statistical summary
of yearly, daily, and instantaneous flows, not only for the current water
year but also for the previous calendar year and for a designated period,
as appropriate. The designated period selected, WATER YEARS 19__-19__,
will consist of all of the station record within the specified water years,
inclusive, including complete months of record for partial water years,
if any, and may coincide with the period of record for the station. The
water years for which the statistics are computed will be consecutive,
unless a break in the station record is indicated in the manuscript. All
of the calculations for the statistical characteristics designated ANNUAL
(see line headings below), except for the ANNUAL 7-DAY MINIMUM statistic,
are calculated for the designated period using complete water years. The
other statistical characteristics may be calculated using partial water
The date or water year, as
appropriate, of the first occurrence of each statistic reporting extreme
values of discharge is provided adjacent to the statistic. Repeated occurrences
may be noted in the REMARKS paragraph of the manuscript or in footnotes.
Because the designated period may not be the same as the station period
of record published in the manuscript, occasionally the dates of occurrence
listed for the daily and instantaneous extremes in the designated-period
column may not be within the selected water years listed in the heading.
When this occurs, it will be noted in the REMARKS paragraph or in footnotes.
Selected streamflow duration curve statistics and runoff data are also
given. Runoff data may be omitted if there is extensive regulation or diversion
of flow in the drainage basin.
The following summary statistics
data, as appropriate, are provided with each continuous record of discharge.
Comments to follow clarify information presented under the various line
headings of the summary statistics table.
of the daily-mean values of discharge for the year. At some stations the
yearly-mean discharge is adjusted for reservoir storage or diversion. The
adjusted figures are identified by symbol and corresponding footnotes.
ANNUAL MEAN-- The arithmetic
mean of the individual daily-mean discharges for the year noted or for
the designated period. At some stations the yearly-mean discharge is adjusted
for reservoir storage or diversion. The adjusted figures are identified
by a symbol and corresponding footnotes.
The lowest mean discharge for 7 consecutive days for a calendar year or
a water year. Note that most low-flow frequency analyses of annual 7- day
minimum flows use a climatic year (April 1-March 31). The date shown in
the summary statistics table is the initial date of the 7-day period. (This
value should not be confused with the 7-day 10-year low-flow statistic.)
INSTANTANEOUS PEAK FLOW-- The maximum instantaneous discharge occurring for the water year or for the designated period. Note that secondary instantaneous peak discharges above a selected base discharge are stored in Minnesota District computer files for stations meeting certain criteria. Those discharge values may be obtained by writing to the Minnesota District Office. (See address on back of title page of this report.) INSTANTANEOUS PEAK STAGE-- The maximum instantaneous stage occurring for the water year or for the designated period. If the dates of occurrence for the instantaneous peak flow and instantaneous peak stage differ, the REMARKS paragraph in the manuscript or a footnote may be used to provide further information. INSTANTANEOUS LOW FLOW-- The minimum instantaneous discharge occurring for the water year or for the designated period. ANNUAL RUNOFF-- Indicates the total quantity of water in runoff for a drainage area for the year. Data reports may use any of the following units of measurement in presenting annual runoff data. Acre-foot (AC-FT) is the quantity of water required to cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot and is equivalent to 43,560 cubic feet or about 326,000 gallons or 1,233 cubic meters. Cubic feet per second per square mile (CFSM) is the average number of cubic feet of water flowing per second from each square mile of area drained, assuming the runoff is distributed uniformly in time and area. Inches (INCHES) indicates the depth to which the drainage area would be covered if all of the runoff for a given time period were uniformly distributed on it. 10 PERCENT EXCEEDS-- The discharge that is exceeded by 10 percent of the flow for the designated period. 50 PERCENT EXCEEDS-- The discharge that is exceeded by 50 percent of the flow for the designated period. 90 PERCENT EXCEEDS-- The discharge that is exceeded by 90 percent of the flow for the designated period. Data collected at partial-record stations follow the information for continuous-record sites. Data for partial-record discharge stations are presented in two tables. The first is a table of discharge measurements at low-flow partial-record stations, and the second is a table of annual maximum stage and discharge at crest-stage stations. The tables of partial-record stations are followed by a listing of discharge measurements made at sites other than continuous-record or partial-record stations. These measurements are generally made in times of drought or flood to give better areal coverage to those events. Those measurements and others collected for some special reason are called measurements at miscellaneous sites. Identifying Estimated Daily DischargeEstimated daily-discharge values
published in the water-discharge tables of annual State data reports are
identified either by flagging individual daily values with the letter symbol
"e" and printing a table footnote, "e Estimated," or by listing the dates
of the estimated record in the REMARKS paragraph of the station description.
Accuracy of the RecordsThe accuracy of streamflow
records depends primarily on: (1) The stability of the stage-discharge
relation or, if the control is unstable, the frequency of discharge measurements;
and (2) the accuracy of measurements of stage, measurements of discharge,
and interpretation of records.
The accuracy attributed to
the records is indicated under REMARKS. "Excellent" means that about 95
percent of the daily discharges are within 5 percent of the true; "good,"
within 10 percent; and "fair," within 15 percent. Records that do not meet
the criteria mentioned are rated "poor." Different accuracies may be attributed
to different parts of a given record.
Daily-mean discharges in this
report are given to the nearest hundredth of a cubic foot per second for
values less than 1 ft 3 /s; to the nearest tenth between 1.0 and
10 ft 3 /s; to whole numbers between 10 and 1,000 ft 3 /s;
and to 3 significant figures for more than 1,000 ft 3 /s. The number
of significant figures used is based solely on the magnitude of the discharge
value. The same rounding rules apply to discharges listed for partial-record
stations and miscellaneous sites.
Discharge at many stations,
as indicated by the monthly mean, may not reflect natural runoff due to
the effects of diversion, consumption, regulation by storage, increase
or decrease in evaporation due to artificial causes, or to other factors.
For such stations, figures of cubic feet per second per square mile and
of runoff, in inches, are not published unless satisfactory adjustments
can be made for diversions, for changes in contents of reservoirs, or for
other changes incident to use and control. Evaporation from a reservoir
is not included in the adjustments for changes in reservoir contents, unless
it is so stated. Even at those stations where adjustments are made, large
errors in computed runoff may occur if adjustments or losses are large
in comparison with the observed discharge
Other Records AvailableInformation of a more detailed
nature than that published for most of the gaging stations, such as observations
of water temperatures, discharge measurements, gage-height records, and
rating tables, is on file in the Minnesota District office. Also most gaging-station
records are available in computer-usable form and many statistical analyses
have been made.
Information on the availability
of unpublished data or statistical analyses may be obtained from the district
The National Water Data Exchange,
Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, National Center, Reston,
VA 22092, maintains an index of all discharge-measurement sites in the
State as well as an index of records of discharge collected by other agencies
but not published by the USGS. Information on records available at specific
sites can be obtained upon request.
Records of Surface-Water QualityRecords of surface-water quality
ordinarily are obtained at or near stream-gaging stations because interpretation
of records of surface-water quality nearly always requires corresponding
discharge data. Records of surface-water quality in this report may involve
a variety of types of data and measurement frequencies.
Classification of RecordsWater-quality data for surface-water
sites are grouped into one of three classifications. A continuing record
station is a site where data are collected on a regularly scheduled basis.
Frequency may be one or more times daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
A partial-record station is a site where limited water-quality data are
collected systematically over a period of years. Frequency of sampling
is usually less than quarterly. A miscellaneous sampling site is a location
other than a continuing or partial-record station, where random samples
are collected to give better areal coverage to define water-quality conditions
in the river basin.
A distinction needs to be made
between "continuing records," as used in this report, and "continuous recordings,"
which refers to a continuous graph or a series of discrete values punched
at short intervals on a paper tape. Some records of water quality, such
as temperature and specific conductance, may be obtained through continuous
recordings; however, most data are obtained only monthly or less frequently.
Locations of stream-gaging stations for which records on the quality of
surface water appear in this report are shown in Figure 8.
Arrangement of RecordsWater-quality records collected
at a surface-water daily record station are published immediately following
that record, regardless of the frequency of sample collection. Station
number and name are the same for both records. Where a surface-water daily-record
station is not available or where the water quality differs significantly
from that at the nearby surface-water station, the continuing water-quality
record is published with its own station number and name in the regular
downstream-order sequence. Water-quality data for partial-record stations
and for miscellaneous sampling sites appear in separate tables following
the table of discharge measurements at miscellaneous sites.
On-Site Measurement and Sample CollectionWater-quality data must be
representative of the in situ quality of water. To assure this, certain
measurements, such as water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen, need
to be made onsite when the samples are taken. To assure that measurements
made in the laboratory also represent the in situ water, carefully prescribed
procedures need to be followed in collecting the samples, in treating the
samples to prevent changes in quality pending analysis, and in shipping
the samples to the laboratory. Procedures for on-site measurements and
for collecting, treating, and shipping samples are given in publications
on U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations,
book 1, chap. D2; book 3, chap. C2; book 5 chaps. A1, A3, and A4. All of
these references are listed on pages 22-24 of this report. Also, detailed
information on collecting, treating, and shipping samples may be obtained
from the USGS Minnesota District office.
One sample can define adequately
the water quality at a given time if the mixture of solutes throughout
the stream cross section is homogeneous. However, the concentration of
solutes at different locations in the cross section may vary widely with
different rates of water discharge, depending on the source of material
and the turbulence and mixing of the stream. Some streams must be sampled
through several vertical sections to obtain a representative sample needed
for an accurate mean concentration and for use in calculating load. All
samples obtained for the National Stream Quality Accounting Network (see
definitions) are obtained from at least several verticals. Whether samples
are obtained from the centroid of flow or from several verticals depends
on flow conditions and other factors which must be evaluated by the collector.
Chemical-quality data published
in this report are considered to be the most representative values available
for the stations listed. The values reported represent water-quality conditions
at the time of sampling as much as possible, consistent with available
sampling techniques and methods of analysis. In the rare case where an
apparent inconsistency exists between a reported pH value and the relative
abundance of carbon dioxide species (carbonate and bicarbonate), the inconsistency
is the result of a slight uptake of carbon dioxide from the air by the
sample between measurement of pH in the field and determination of carbonate
and bicarbonate in the laboratory.
For chemical-quality stations
equipped with digital monitors, the records consist of daily maximum, minimum,
and mean values for each constituent measured and are based upon hourly
punches beginning at 0100 hours and ending at 2400 hours for the day of
record. More detailed records (hourly values) may be obtained from the
USGS Minnesota District office.
Water TemperatureWater temperatures are measured
at most of the water-quality stations. In addition, water temperatures
are taken at time of discharge measurements for water-discharge stations.
For stations where water temperatures are taken manually once or twice
daily, the water temperatures are taken at about the same time each day.
Large streams have a small diurnal temperature change; shallow streams
may have a daily range of several degrees and may follow closely the changes
in air temperature. Some streams may be affected by waste-heat discharges.
At stations where recording
instruments are used, either mean temperatures or maximum and minimum temperatures
for each day are published. Water temperatures measured at the time of
water-discharge measurements are on file in the Minnesota District office.
SedimentSuspended-sediment concentrations
are determined from samples collected by using depth-integrating samplers.
Samples usually are obtained at several verticals in the cross section,
or a single sample may be obtained at a fixed point and a coefficient applied
to determine the mean concentration in the cross sections.
During periods of rapidly changing
flow or rapidly changing concentration, samples may have been collected
more frequently (twice daily or, in some instances, hourly). The published
sediment discharges for days of rapidly changing flow or concentration
were computed by the subdivided-day method (time-discharge weighted average).
Therefore, for those days when the published sediment discharge value differs
from the value computed as the product of discharge times mean concentration
times 0.0027, the reader can assume that the sediment discharge for that
day was computed by the subdivided-day method. For periods when no samples
were collected, daily loads of suspended sediment were estimated on the
basis of water discharge, sediment concentrations observed immediately
before and after the periods, and suspended-sediment loads for other periods
of similar discharge.
At other stations, suspended-sediment
samples were collected periodically at many verticals in the stream cross
section. Although data collected periodically may represent conditions
only at the time of observations, such data are useful in establishing
seasonal relations between quality and streamflow and in predicting long-term
sediment-discharge characteristics of the stream.
In addition to the records
of suspended-sediment discharge, records of the periodic measurements of
the particle-size distribution of the suspended sediment and bed material
are included for some stations.
Laboratory MeasurementsSamples for indicator bacteria
and specific conductance are analyzed locally. All other samples are analyzed
in the Geological Survey laboratories in Arvada, Colorado; Doraville, Georgia;
or Iowa City, Iowa. Methods used in analyzing sediment samples and computing
sediment records are given in U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water
Resources Investigations, book 5, chap. C1. Methods used by the USGS laboratories
are given in U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water Resources Investigation,
book 1, chap. D2; book 3, chap. C2; book 5, chaps. A1, A3, and A4.
Data PresentationFor continuous-record stations,
information pertinent to the history of station operation is provided in
descriptive headings preceding the tabular data. These descriptive headings
give details regarding location, drainage area, period of record, type
of data available, instrumentation, general remarks, cooperation, and extremes
for parameters currently measured daily. Tables of chemical, physical,
biological, radiochemical data, and so forth, obtained at a frequency less
than daily are presented first. Tables of daily values of specific conductance,
pH, water temperature, dissolved, and suspended sediment then follow in
In the descriptive headings,
if the location is identical to that of the discharge gaging station, neither
the LOCATION nor the DRAINAGE AREA statements are repeated. The following
information, when appropriate, is provided with each continuous-record
station. Comments that follow clarify information presented under the various
headings of the station description.
LOCATION-- See "Data
Presentation" under "Records of Stage and Water Discharge;" same comments
"Data Presentation" under "Records of Stage and Water Discharge;" same
comments apply.
indicates the periods for which there are published water-quality records
for the station. The periods are shown separately for records of parameters
measured daily or continuously and those measured less than daily. For
those measured daily or continuously, periods of record are given for the
parameters individually.
on instrumentation is given only if a water-quality monitor, temperature
recorder, sediment pumping sampler, or other sampling device is in operation
at a station.
REMARKS-- Remarks provide
added information pertinent to the collection, analysis, or computation
of the records.
provided by a cooperating organization or obtained for the USGS by a cooperating
organization are identified here.
EXTREMES-- Maximums
and minimums are given only for parameters measured daily or more frequently.
None are given for parameters measured weekly or less frequently, because
the true maximums or minimums may not have been sampled. Extremes, when
given, are provided for both the period of record and for the current water
REVISIONS-- If errors
in published water-quality records are discovered after publication, appropriate
updates are made to the Water-Quality File in the U.S. Geological Survey's
computerized data system, WATSTORE, and subsequently by monthly transfer
of update transactions to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's STORET
system. Because the usual volume of updates makes it impractical to document
individual changes in the State data-report series or elsewhere, potential
users of USGS water-quality data are encouraged to obtain all required
data from the appropriate computer file to ensure the most recent updates.
The surface-water-quality records for partial-record stations and miscellaneous sampling sites are published in separate tables following the table of discharge measurements at miscellaneous sites. No descriptive statements are given for these records. Each station is published with its own station number and name in the regular downstream-order sequence. Remark Codes
Water Quality-Control DataData generated from quality-control
(QC) samples are a requisite for evaluating the quality of the sampling
and processing techniques as well as data from the actual samples themselves.
Without QC data, environmental sample data cannot be adequately interpreted
because the errors associated with the sample data are unknown. The various
types of QC samples collected by this district are described in the following
section. Procedures have been established for the storage of water-quality-control
data within the USGS. These procedures allow for storage of all derived
QC data and are identified so that they can be related to corresponding
environmental samples.
Blank SamplesBlank samples are collected
and analyzed to ensure that environmental samples have not been contaminated
by the overall data-collection process. The blank solution used to develop
specific types of blank samples is a solution that is free of the analytes
of interest. Any measured value signal in a blank sample for an analyte
(a specific component measured in a chemical analysis) that was absent
in the blank solution is believed to be due to contamination. There are
many types of blank samples possible, each designed to segregate a different
part of the overall data-collection process. The types of blank samples
collected in this district are:
FIELD BLANK-- a blank
solution that is subjected to all aspects of sample collection, field processing
preservation, transportation, and laboratory handling as an environmental
TRIP BLANK-- a blank
solution that is put in the same type of bottle used for an environmental
sample and kept with the set of sample bottles before and after sample
blank solution that is processed through all equipment used for collecting
and processing an environmental sample (similar to a field blank but normally
done in the more controlled conditions of the office).
solution that is poured or pumped through the same field sampler used for
collecting an environmental sample.
FILTER BLANK-- a blank
solution that is filtered in the same manner and through the same filter
apparatus used for an environmental sample.
solution that is mixed and separated using a field splitter in the same
manner and through the same apparatus used for an environmental sample.
a blank solution that is treated with the sampler preservatives used for
an environmental sample.
Reference SamplesReference material is a solution
or material prepared by a laboratory whose composition is certified for
one or more properties so that it can be used to assess a measurement method.
Samples of reference material are submitted for analysis to ensure that
an analytical method is accurate for the known properties of the reference
material. Generally, the selected reference material properties are similar
to the environmental sample properties.
Replicate SamplesReplicate samples are a set
of environmental samples collected in a manner such that the samples are
thought to be essentially identical in composition. Replicate is the general
case for which a duplicate is the special case consisting of two samples.
Replicate samples are collected and analyzed to establish the amount of
variability in the data contributed by some part of the collection and
analytical process. There are many types of replicate samples possible,
each of which may yield slightly different results in a dynamic hydrologic
setting, such as a flowing stream. The types of replicate samples collected
in this district are:
a type of replicate sample in which the samples are collected one after
the other, typically over a short time.
of replicate sample in which a sample is split into subsamples contemporaneous
in time and space.
Spike SamplesSpike samples are samples to
which known quantities of a solution with one or more well-established
analyte concentrations have been added. These samples are analyzed to determine
the extent of matrix interference or degradation on the analyte concentration
during sample processing and analysis.
Dissolved Trace-Element ConcentrationsTraditionally, dissolved trace-element
concentrations have been reported at the microgram per liter (g/L) level.
Recent evidence, mostly from large rivers, indicates that actual dissolved-phase
concentrations for a number of trace elements are within the range of 10's
to 100's of nanograms per liter (ng/L). Data above the g/L level should
be viewed with caution. Such data may actually represent elevated environmental
concentrations from natural or human causes; however, these data could
reflect contamination introduced during sampling, processing, or analysis.
To confidently produce dissolved trace-element data with insignificant
contamination, the USGS began using new trace-element protocols at some
stations in water year 1994.
Change in National Trends Network ProceduresSample handling procedures
at all National Trends Network stations were changed substantially on January
11, 1994, in order to reduce contamination from the sample shipping container.
The data for samples before and after that date are different and not directly
comparable. A tabular summary of the differences based on a special intercomparison
study is available from the NADP/NTN Coordination Office, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 (303-491-5643).
Records of Ground-Water QualityRecords of ground-water quality
in this report differ from other types of records in that for most sampling
sites they consist of only one set of measurements for the water year.
The quality of ground water ordinarily changes only slowly; therefore,
for most general purposes one annual sampling, or only a few samples taken
at infrequent intervals during the year, is sufficient. Frequent measurement
of the same constituents is not necessary unless one is concerned with
a particular problem, such as monitoring for trends in nitrate concentration.
In the special cases where the quality of ground water may change more
rapidly, more frequent measurements are made to identify the nature of
the changes.
Data Collection and ComputationThe records of ground-water
quality in this report were obtained mostly as a part of special studies
in specific areas. Consequently, a number of chemical analyses are presented
for some counties, but none are presented for others. As a result, the
records for this year, by themselves, do not provide a balanced view of
ground-water quality statewide. Such a view can be attained only by considering
records for this year in context with similar records obtained for these
and other counties in earlier years.
Most methods for collecting
and analyzing water samples are described in the U.S. Geological Survey
Techniques of Water-Resources Investigation manuals listed on pages 22-25.
The values reported in this report represent water-quality conditions at
the time of sampling as much as possible, consistent with available sampling
techniques and methods of analysis. All samples were obtained by trained
personnel. The wells sampled were pumped long enough to assure that the
water collected came directly from the aquifer and had not stood for a
long time in the well casing where it would have been exposed to the atmosphere
and to the material, possibly metal, comprising the casings.
Data PresentationThe records of ground-water
quality are published in the section entitled QUALITY OF GROUND WATER.
Data for quality of ground water are listed alphabetically, by county,
and are identified by well number. The prime identification number for
wells sampled is the 15-digit number derived from the latitude-longitude
locations. No descriptive statements are given for ground-water-quality
records; however, the well number, depth of well, date of sampling, and
other pertinent data are given in the table containing the chemical analyses
of the ground water. The REMARK codes listed for surface-water-quality
records also are applicable to ground-water-quality records.
Access to USGS Water DataThe USGS provides near real-time
stage and discharge data for many of the gaging stations (equipped with
the necessary telemetry) and historic daily-mean and peak-flow discharge
data for most current and discontinued gaging stations through the World
Wide Web. These data may be accessed at:
Some water-quality and ground-water
data also are available through the World Wide Web. In addition, data can
be provided in various machine-readable formats on magnetic tape or 3-1/2
inch floppy disk. Information about the availability of specific types
of data or products, and user charges, can be obtained locally from each
of the Water Resources Division District offices.
DEFINITION OF TERMSTerms related to streamflow,
water-quality, and other hydrologic data, as used in this report, are defined
below. See also table for converting English units to International System
(SI) Units on the inside of the back cover.
Acid neutralizing capacity(ANC)
is the equivalent sum of all bases or base-producing materials, solutes
plus particulates, in an aqueous system that can be titrated with acid
to an equivalence point. This term designates titration of an "unfiltered"
sample (formerly reported as alkalinity).
acre-ft) is the quantity of water required to cover 1 acre to a depth of
1 foot and is equivalent to 43,560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons, or 1,233
cubic meters.
Adenosine triphosphate(ATP)
is an organic, phosphate-rich, compound important in the transfer of energy
in organisms. Its central role in living cells makes it an excellent indicator
of the presence of living material in water. A measurement of ATP therefore
provides a sensitive and rapid estimate of biomass. ATP is reported in
micrograms per liter.
mostly aquatic single-celled, colonial, or multicelled plants containing
chlorophyll and lacking roots, stems, and leaves.
Algal growth potential(AGP)
is the maximum algal dry weight biomass that can be produced in a natural
water sample under standardized laboratory conditions. The growth potential
is the algal biomass present at stationary phase and is expressed as milligrams
dry weight of algae produced per liter of sample.
the capacity of solutes in an aqueous system to neutralize acid. This term
designates titration of a "filtered" sample.
Annual runoffis
the total quantity of water in runoff for a drainage area for the year.
Data reports may use any of the following units of measurement in presenting
annual runoff data:
acre-ft) is the quantity of water required to cover 1 acre to a depth of
1 foot and is equal to 43,560 cubic feet, 325,851 gallons, or 1,233 cubic
Cubic foot per second
per square mile[CFSM, (ft 3 /s)/mi
2 ] is the average number of cubic feet of water flowing per second
from each square mile of area drained, assuming the runoff is distributed
uniformly in time and area.
Inch (IN., in.) as used in this report, refers to the depth to which the drainage area would be covered with water if all of the runoff for a given time period were uniformly distributed on it. Arocloris the registered trademark for a group of polychlorinated biphenyls that were manufactured by the Monsanto Company prior to 1976. Aroclors are assigned specific 4-digit reference numbers dependent upon molecular type and degree of substitution of the biphenyl ring hydrogen atoms by chlorine atoms. The first two digits of a numbered aroclor represent the molecular type and the last two digits represent the weight percent of the hydrogen substituted chlorine. Bacteriaare microscopic unicellular organisms, typically spherical, rodlike, or spiral and threadlike in shape, often clumped into colonies. Some bacteria cause disease, while others perform an essential role in nature in the recycling of materials; for example, by decomposing organic matter into a form available for reuse by plants. Total coliform bacteriaare a particular group of bacteria that are used as indicators of possible sewage pollution. This group includes coliforms that inhabit the intestine of warm-blooded animals and those that inhabit soils. They are characterized as aerobic or facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, nonspore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria that ferment lactose with gas formation within 48 hours at 35 C. In the laboratory, these bacteria are defined as all the organisms that produce colonies with a golden-green metallic sheen within 24 hours when incubated at 35 C plus or minus 1.0 C on M-Endo medium (nutrient medium for bacterial growth). Their concentrations are expressed as number of colonies per 100 mL of sample. Fecal coliform bacteriaare bacteria that are present in the intestine or feces of warm-blooded animals. They are often used as indicators of the sanitary quality of the water. In the laboratory, they are defined as all organisms that produce blue colonies within 24 hours when incubated at 44.5 C plus or minus 0.2 C on M-FC medium (nutrient medium for bacterial growth). Their concentrations are expressed as number of colonies per 100 mL of sample. Fecal streptococcal bacteriaare bacteria found in the intestine of warm-blooded animals. Their presence in water is considered to verify fecal pollution. They are characterized as gram-positive, cocci bacteria that are capable of growth in brain-heart infusion broth. In the laboratory, they are defined as all the organisms that produce red or pink colonies within 48 hours at 35 C plus or minus 1.0 C on KF-streptococcus medium (nutrient medium for bacterial growth). Their concentrations are expressed as number of colonies per 100 mL of sample. Enterococcus bacteriaare commonly found in the feces of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Although some strains are ubiquitous and not related to fecal pollution, the presence of enterococci in water is an indication of fecal pollution and the possible presence of enteric pathogens. Enterococcus bacteria are those bacteria that produce pink to red colonies with black or reddish-brown precipitate after incubation at 41 C on mE agar and subsequent transfer to EIA medium. Enterococci include Streptococcus feacalis, Streptococcus feacium, Streptococcus avium, and their variants. Escherichia coli (E. coli)are bacteria present in the intestine and feces of warm-blooded animals. E. coli are a member species of the fecal coliform group of indicator bacteria. In the laboratory, they are defined as those bacteria that produce yellow or yellow-brown colonies on a filter pad saturated with urea substrate broth after primary culturing for 22 to 24 hours at 44.5 °C on mTEC medium. Their concentrations are expressed as number of colonies per 100 mL of sample. Base flowis flow in a channel sustained by ground-water discharge in the absence of direct runoff. Bed materialis the sediment mixture of which a streambed, lake, pond, reservoir, or estuary bottom is composed. Benthic organisms(invertebrates) are the group of animals inhabiting the bottom of an aquatic environment. They include a number of types of organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, insect larvae and nymphs, snails, clams, and crayfish. They are useful as indicators of water quality. Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) is a measure of the quantity of dissolved oxygen, in milligrams per liter, necessary for the decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms, such as bacteria. Biomassis the amount of living matter present at any given time, expressed as mass per unit area or volume of habitat. Ash massis the mass or amount of residue present after the residue from the dry mass determination has been ashed in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 500 C for 1 hour. Ash mass of zooplankton and phytoplankton is expressed in grams per cubic meter (g/m 3 ), and periphyton and benthic organisms in grams per square meter (g/m 2 ). Dry massrefers to the mass of residue present after drying in an oven at 105 C for zooplankton and periphyton, until the mass remains unchanged. This mass represents the total organic matter, ash, and sediment in the sample. Dry mass is expressed in the same units as ash mass. Organic massor volatile mass of the living substance is the difference between the dry mass and ash mass and represents the actual mass of the living matter. Organic mass is expressed in the same units as for ash mass and dry mass. Wet massis the mass of living matter plus contained water. Biomass pigment ratiois an indicator of the total proportion of periphyton which are autotrophic (plants). This is also called the Autotrophic Index. Bottom material: See "Bed material." Cells/volumerefers to the number of plankton cells or natural units counted using a microscope and grid or counting cell. Results are generally reported as cells or units per milliliter. Cells volume (biovolume) determination is one of several common methods used to estimate biomass of algae in aquatic systems. Cell members of algae are frequently used in aquatic surveys as an indicator of algal production. However, cell numbers alone cannot represent true biomass because of considerable cell-size variation among the algal species. Cell volume ( m m 3 ) is determined by obtaining critical cell measurements on cell dimensions (for example, length, width, height, or radius) for 20 to 50 cells of each important species to obtain an average biovolume per cell. Cells are categorized according to the correspondence of their cellular shape to the nearest geometric solid or combinations of simple solids (for example, spheres, cones, or cylinders). Representative formulae used to compute biovolume are as follows: sphere 4/3 p r 3 cone 1/3 p r 3 h cylinder p r 3 h. From cell volume, total algal biomass expressed as biovolume ( m m 3 /mL) is thus determined by multiplying the number of cells of a given species by its average cell volume and then summing these volumes over all species. Chemical oxygen demand(COD) is a measure of the chemically oxidizable material in the water and furnishes an approximation of the amount of organic and reducing material present. The determined value may correlate with BOD or with carbonaceous organic pollution from sewage or industrial wastes. Chlorophyllrefers to the green pigments of plants. Chlorophyll a and b are the two most common green pigments in plants. Colloidis any substance with particles in such a fine state of subdivision dispersed in a medium (for example, water) that they do not settle out; but not in so fine a state of subdivision that they can be said to be truly dissolved. Color unitis produced by 1 milligram per liter of platinum in the form of the chloroplatinate ion. Color is expressed in units of the platinum-cobalt scale. Confined aquiferis a term used to describe an aquifer containing water between two relatively impermeable boundaries. The water level in a well tapping a confined aquifer stands above the top of the confined aquifer and can be higher or lower than the water table that may be present in the material above it. In some cases the water level can rise above the ground surface, yielding a flowing well. Contentsis the volume of water in a reservoir or lake. Unless otherwise indicated, volume is computed on the basis of a level pool and does not include bank storage. Continuous-record stationis a site that meets either of the following conditions: Stage or streamflow are recorded at some interval on a continuous basis. The recording interval is usually 15 minutes, but may be less or more frequent. Water-quality, sediment, or other hydrologic measure-ments are recorded at least daily. Controldesignates a feature in the channel downstream from a gaging station that physically influences the water-surface elevation and thereby determines the stage-discharge relation at the station. This feature may be a constriction of the channel, a bedrock outcrop, a gravel bar, an artificial structure, or a uniform cross section over a long reach of the channel. Control structureas used in this report is a structure on a stream or canal that is used to regulate the flow or stage of the stream or to prevent the intrusion of saltwater. Cubic foot per second(CFS, ft 3 /s) is the rate of discharge representing a volume of 1 cubic foot passing a given point in 1 second. It is equivalent to approximately 7.48 gallons per second, 448.8 gallons per minute, or 0.02832 cubic meters per second. Cubic foot per second-day(CFS-DAY, Cfs-day, [(ft 3 /s)/d]) is the volume of water represented by a flow of 1 cubic foot per second for 24 hours. It is equivalent to 86,400 cubic feet, 1.9835 acre-feet, 646,317 gallons, or 2,447 cubic meters. Daily recordis a summary of streamflow, sediment, or water-quality values computed from data collected with sufficient frequency to obtain reliable estimates of daily mean values. Daily record stationis a site for which daily records of streamflow, sediment, or water-quality values are computed. Datum, as used in this report, is an elevation above mean sea level to which all gage height readings are referenced. Dielis of or pertaining to a 24-hour period of time; a regular daily cycle. Discharge,or flow, is the volume of water (or more broadly, volume of fluid including solid- and dissolved-phase material), that passes a given point in a given period of time. Annual 7-day minimumis the lowest mean discharge for 7 consecutive days in a year. Note that most low-flow frequency analyses of annual 7-day minimum flows use a climatic year (April 1-March 31). The date shown in the summary statistics table is the initial date of the 7-day period. (This value should not be confused with the 7-day 10-year low-flow statistic.) Instantaneous dischargeis the discharge at a particular instant of time. Mean discharge(MEAN) is the arithmetic mean of individual daily mean discharges during a specific period. Dissolvedrefers to that material in a representative water sample that passes through a 0.45-micrometer membrane filter. This is a convenient operational definition used by Federal agencies that collect water data. Determinations of "dissolved" constituents are made on subsamples of the filtrate. Dissolved oxygen(DO) content of water in equilibrium with air is a function of atmospheric pressure, temperature, and dissolved-solids concentration of the water. The ability of water to retain oxygen decreases with increasing temperature or dissolved solids, with small temperature changes having the more significant offset. Photosynthesis and respiration may cause diurnal variations in dissolved-oxygen concentration in water from some streams. Dissolved-solids concentrationof water is determined either analytically by the "residue-on-evaporation" method, or mathematically by totaling the concentrations of individual constituents reported in a comprehensive chemical analysis. During that analytical determination of dissolved solids, the bicarbonate (generally a major dissolved component of water) is converted to carbonate. Therefore, in the mathematical calculation of dissolved-solids concentration, the bicarbonate value, in milligrams per liter, is multiplied by 0.4926 to reflect the change. Alternatively, alkalinity concentration (as mg/L CaCO 3 ) can be converted to carbonate concentration by multiplying by 0.60. Drainage areaof a site on a stream is that area, measured in a horizontal plane, that has a common outlet at the site for its surface runoff. Figures of drainage area given herein include all closed basins, or noncontributing areas, within the area unless otherwise specified. Drainage basinis a part of the Earth's surface that is occupied by a drainage system with a common outlet for its surface runoff (see "Drainage area"). Dry weightrefers to the weight of animal tissue after it has been dried in an oven at 65 °C until a constant weight is achieved. Dry weight represents total organic and inorganic matter in the tissue. Flow-duration percentilesare values on a scale of 100 that indicate the percentage of time for which a flow is not exceeded. For example, the 90th percentile of river flow is greater than or equal to 90 percent of all recorded flow rates. Gage datumis the elevation of the zero point of the reference gage from which gage height is determined as compared to sea level (see "Datum"). This elevation is established by a system of levels from known benchmarks, by approximation from topographic maps, or by geographical positioning system. Gage height(G.H.) is the water-surface elevation referenced to the gage datum. Gage height is often used interchangeably with the more general term "stage," although gage height is more appropriate when used with a reading on a gage. Gaging stationis a site on a stream, canal, lake, or reservoir where systematic observations of stage, discharge, or other hydrologic data are obtained. When used in connection with a discharge record, the term is applied only to those gaging stations where a continuous record of discharge is computed. Gas chromatography/flame ionization detector(GC/FID) is a laboratory analytical method used as a screening technique for semivolatile organic compounds that are extractable from water in methylene chloride. Ground-water levelis the elevation of the water table or another potentiometric surface at a particular location. Hardnessof water is a physical-chemical characteristic that is commonly recognized by the increased quantity of soap required to produce lather. It is attributable to the presence of alkaline earths (principally calcium and magnesium) and is expressed as the equivalent concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ). High tideis
the maximum height reached by each rising tide. The high-high and low-high
tides are the higher and lower of the two high tides, respectively, of
each tidal day. See NOAA web site:
Hydrologic benchmark stationis one that provides hydrologic data for a basin in which the hydrologic regimen will likely be governed solely by natural conditions. Data collected at a benchmark station may be used to separate effects of natural from human-induced changes in other basins that have been developed and in which the physiography, climate, and geology are similar to those in the undeveloped benchmark basin. Hydrologic unitis a geographic area representing part or all of a surface drainage basin or distinct hydrologic feature as defined by the former Office of Water Data Coordination and delineated on the State Hydrologic Unit Maps by the U.S. Geological Survey. Each hydrologic unit is identified by an 8-digit number. Land-surface datum(lsd) is a datum plane that is approximately at land surface at each ground-water observation well. Lipidis any one of a family of compounds that are insoluble in water and that make up one of the principal components of living cells. Lipids include fats, oils, waxes, and steroids. Many environmental contaminants such as organochlorine pesticides are lipophilic. Low tideis
the minimum height reached by each falling tide. The high-low and low-low
tides are the higher and lower of the two low tides, respectively, of each
tidal day. See NOAA web site:
Macrophytesare the macroscopic plants in the aquatic environment. The most common macrophytes are the rooted vascular plants that are usually arranged in zones in aquatic ecosystems and restricted in the area by the extent of illumination through the water and sediment deposition along the shoreline. Measuring point(MP) is an arbitrary permanent reference point from which the distance to water surface in a well is measured to obtain water level. Membrane filteris a thin microporous material of specific pore size used to filter bacteria, algae, and other very small particles from water. Metamorphic stagerefers to the stage of development that an organism exhibits during its transformation from an immature form to an adult form. This developmental process exists for most insects, and the degree of difference from the immature stage to the adult form varies from relatively slight to pronounced, with many intermediates. Examples of metamorphic stages of insects are egg-larva-adult or egg-nymph-adult. Methylene blue active substances(MBAS) are apparent detergents. The determination depends on the formation of a blue color when methylene blue dye reacts with synthetic anionic detergent compounds. Micrograms per gram(UG/G, m g/g) is a unit expressing the concentration of a chemical constituent as the mass (micrograms) of the element per unit mass (gram) of material analyzed. Micrograms per kilogram(UG/KG, m g/kg) is a unit expressing the concentration of a chemical constituent as the mass (micrograms) of the constituent per unit mass (kilogram) of the material analyzed. One microgram per kilogram is equivalent to 1 part per billion. Micrograms per liter(UG/L, m g/L) is a unit expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in water as mass (micrograms) of constituent per unit volume (liter) of water. One thousand micrograms per liter is equivalent to 1 milligram per liter. Microsiemens per centimeter(US/CM, m S/cm) is a unit expressing the amount of electrical conductivity of a solution as measured between opposite faces of a centimeter cube of solution at a specified temperature. Siemens is the International System of Units nomenclature. It is synonymous with mhos and is the reciprocal of resistance in ohms. Milligrams per liter(MG/L, mg/L) is a unit for expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in water as the mass (milligrams) of constituent per unit volume (liter) of water. Concentration of suspended sediment also is expressed in mg/L and is based on the mass of dry sediment per liter of water-sediment mixture. Miscellaneous site,or miscellaneous station, is a site where streamflow, sediment, and/or water-quality data are collected once, or more often on a random or discontinuous basis. Most probable number(MPN) is an index of the number of coliform bacteria that, more probably than any other number, would give the results shown by the laboratory examination; it is not an actual enumeration. MPN is determined from the distribution of gas-positive cultures among multiple inoculated tubes. Multiple-plate samplersare artificial substrates of known surface area used for obtaining benthic invertebrate samples. They consist of a series of spaced, hardboard plates on an eyebolt. Nanograms per liter(NG/L, ng/L) is a unit expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as mass (nanograms) of solute per unit volume (liter) of water. One million nanograms per liter is equivalent to 1 milligram per liter. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ( NGVD of 1929) is a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first order level nets of the United States and Canada. It was formerly called "Sea Level Datum of 1929" or "mean sea level" in this series of reports. Although the datum was derived from the average sea level over a period of many years at 26 tide stations along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Coasts, it does not necessarily represent local mean sea level at any particular place. See NOAA web site: http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/faq.shtml#WhatVD29VD88 Nektonare the consumers in the aquatic environment and consist of large free-swimming organisms that are capable of sustained, directed mobility. Nephelometric turbidity unit(NTU) is the measurement for reporting turbidity that is based on use of a standard suspension of Formazin. Turbidity measured in NTU uses nephelometric methods that depend on passing specific light of a specific wavelength through the sample. Open or screened intervalis the length of unscreened opening or of well screen through which water enters a well, in feet below land surface. Organic carbon(OC) is a measure of organic matter present in aqueous solution, suspension, or bottom sediments. May be reported as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), suspended organic carbon (SOC), or total organic carbon (TOC). Organism count/arearefers to the number of organisms collected and enumerated in a sample and adjusted to the number per area habitat, usually square meter (m 2 ), acre, or hectare. Periphyton, benthic organisms, and macrophytes are expressed in these terms. Organism count/volumerefers to the number of organisms collected and enumerated in a sample and adjusted to the number per sample volume, usually milliliter (mL) or liter (L). Numbers of planktonic organisms can be expressed in these terms. Total organism countis the total number of organisms collected and enumerated in any particular sample. Organochlorine compoundsare any chemicals that contain carbon and chlorine. Organochlorine compounds that are important in investigations of water, sediment, and biological quality include certain pesticides and industrial compounds. Parameter Codeis a 5-digit number used in the U.S. Geological Survey computerized data system, National Water Information System (NWIS), to uniquely identify a specific constituent or property. Partial-record stationis a site where discrete measurements of one or more hydrologic parameters are obtained over a period of time without continuous data being recorded or computed. A common example is a crest-stage gage partial-record station at which only peak stages and flows are recorded. Particle sizeis the diameter, in millimeters (mm), of a particle determined by sieve or sedimentation methods. The sedimentation method utilizes the principle of Stokes Law to calculate sediment particle sizes. Sedimentation methods (pipet, bottom-withdrawal tube, visual-accumulation tube, Sedigraph) determine fall diameter of particles in either distilled water (chemically dispersed) or in native water (the river water at the time and point of sampling). Particle-size classificationused in this report agrees with the recommendation made by the American Geophysical Union Subcommittee on Sediment Terminology. The classification is as follows: Classification Size (mm) Method of analysis The
particle-size distributions given in this report are not necessarily representative
of all particles in transport in the stream. Most of the organic matter
is removed,
and the sample is subjected to mechanical and chemical dispersion before analysis in distilled water. Chemical dispersion is not used for native water analysis. Percent compositionor
of total is a unit for expressing the ratio of a particular part of
a sample or population to the total sample or population, in terms of types,
numbers, weight, or volume.
Periodic stationis
a site where stage, discharge, sediment, chemical, or other hydrologic
measurements are made one or more times during a year, but at a frequency
insufficient to develop a daily record.
the assemblage of microorganisms attached to and living upon submerged
solid surfaces. While primarily consisting of algae, they also include
bacteria, fungi, protozoa, rotifers, and other small organisms. Periphyton
are useful indicators of water quality.
chemical compounds used to control undesirable organisms. Major categories
of pesticides include insecticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides,
and rodenticides.
water is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion activity. Solutions
with pH less than 7 are termed "acidic," and solutions with a pH greater
than 7 are termed "basic." Solutions with a pH of 7 are neutral. The presence
and concentration of many dissolved chemical constituents found in water
are, in part, influenced by the hydrogen-ion activity of water. Biological
processes including growth, distribution of organisms, and toxicity of
the water to organisms are also influenced, in part, by the hydrogen-ion
activity of water.
pCi) is one trillionth (1 x 10 -12 ) of the amount of radioactivity
represented by a curie (Ci). A curie is the amount of radioactivity that
yields 3.7 x 10 10 radioactive disintegrations per second. A picocurie
yields 2.22 dpm (disintegrations per minute).
the community of suspended, floating, or weakly swimming organisms that
live in the open water of lakes and rivers. Concentrations are expressed
as a number of cells per milliliter (cells/mL of sample).
plant part of the plankton. They are usually microscopic, and their movement
is subject to the water currents. Phytoplankton growth is dependent upon
solar radiation and nutrient substances. Because they are able to incorporate
as well as release materials to the surrounding water, the phytoplankton
have a profound effect upon the quality of the water. They are the primary
food producers in the aquatic environment and are commonly known as algae.
Blue-green algae(Cyanophyta)
are a group of phytoplankton organisms having a blue pigment, in addition
to the green pigment called chlorophyll. Blue-green algae often cause nuisance
conditions in water.
Diatomsare the unicellular or colonial algae having a siliceous shell. Their concentrations are expressed as number of cells per milliliter (cells/mL) of sample. Euglenoids( Euglenophyta ) are a group of algae that are usually free-swimming and rarely creeping. They have the ability to grow either photosynthetically in the light or heterotrophically in the dark. Fire algae( Pyrrhophyta ) are a group of algae that are free-swimming unicells characterized by a red pigment spot. Green algaehave chlorophyll pigments similar in color to those of higher green plants. Some forms produce algae mats or floating "moss" in lakes. Their concentrations are expressed as number of cells per milliliter (cells/mL) of sample. Zooplanktonis the animal part of the plankton. Zooplankton are capable of extensive movements within the water column and are often large enough to be seen with the unaided eye. Zooplankton are secondary consumers feeding upon bacteria, phytoplankton, and detritus. Because they are the grazers in the aquatic environment, the zooplankton are a vital part of the aquatic food web. The zooplankton community is dominated by small crustaceans and rotifers. Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB's) are industrial chemicals that are mixtures of chlorinated biphenyl compounds having various percentages of chlorine. They are similar in structure to organochlorine insecticides. Polychlorinated naphthalenes(PCN's) are industrial chemicals that are mixtures of chlorinated naphthalene compounds. They have properties and applications similar to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) and have been identified in commercial PCB preparations. Primary productivityis a measure of the rate at which new organic matter is formed and accumulated through photosynthetic and chemosynthetic activity of producer organisms (chiefly, green plants). The rate of primary production is estimated by measuring the amount of oxygen released (oxygen method) or the amount of carbon assimilated (carbon method) by the plants. Primary productivity (carbon method)is expressed as milligrams of carbon per area per unit time [mg C/(m 2 /time)] for periphyton and macrophytes or per volume [mg C/(m 3 /time)] for phytoplankton. Carbon method defines the amount of carbon dioxide consumed as measured by radioactive carbon (carbon-14). The carbon-14 method is of greater sensitivity than the oxygen light and dark bottle method and is preferred for use in unenriched waters. Unit time may be either the hour or day, depending on the incubation period. Primary productivity (oxygen method)is expressed as milligrams of oxygen per area per unit time [mg O/(m 2 /time)] for periphyton and macrophytes or per volume [mg O/(m 3 /time)] for phytoplankton. Oxygen method defines production and respiration rates as estimated from changes in the measured dissolved-oxygen concentration. The oxygen light and dark bottle method is preferred if the rate of primary production is sufficient for accurate measurements to be made within 24 hours. Unit time may be either the hour or day, depending on the incubation period. Radioisotopesare isotopic forms of an element that exhibit radioactivity. Isotopes are varieties of a chemical element that differ in atomic weight, but are very nearly alike in chemical properties. The difference arises because the atoms of the isotopic forms of an element differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus; for example, ordinary chlorine is a mixture of isotopes having atomic weights of 35 and 37, and the natural mixture has an atomic weight of about 35.453. Many of the elements similarly exist as mixtures of isotopes, and a great many new isotopes have been produced in the operation of nuclear devices such as the cyclotron. There are 275 isotopes of the 81 stable elements, in addition to more than 800 radioactive isotopes. Recoverable from bottom materialis the amount of a given constituent that is in solution after a representative sample of bottom material has been digested by a method (usually using an acid or mixture of acids) that results in dissolution of readily soluble substances. Complete dissolution of all bottom material is not achieved by the digestion treatment and thus the determination represents less than the total amount (that is, less than 95 percent) of the constituent in the sample. To achieve comparability of analytical data, equivalent digestion procedures would be required of all laboratories performing such analyses because different digestion procedures are likely to produce different analytical results. Recurrence interval,also referred to as return period, is the average time, usually expressed in years, between occurrences of hydrologic events of a specified type (such as exceedances of a specified high flow or non-exceedance of a specified low flow). The terms "return period" and "recurrence interval" do not imply regular cyclic occurrence. The actual times between occurrences vary randomly, with most of the times being less than the average and a few being substantially greater than the average. For example, the 100-year flood is the flow rate that is exceeded by the annual maximum peak flow at intervals whose average length is 100 years (that is, once in 100 years, on average); almost two-thirds of all exceedances of the 100-year flood occur less than 100 years after the previous exceedance, half occur less than 70 years after the previous exceedance, and about one-eighth occur more than 200 years after the previous exceedance. Similarly, the 7-day 10-year low flow (7Q 10 ) is the flow rate below which the annual minimum 7-day-mean flow dips at intervals whose average length is 10 years (that is, once in 10 years, on average); almost two-thirds of the non-exceedances of the 7Q 10 occur less than 10 years after the previous non-exceedance, half occur less than 7 years after, and about one-eighth occur more than 20 years after the previous non-exceedance. The recurrence interval for annual events is the reciprocal of the annual probability of occurrence. Thus, the 100-year flood has a 1-percent chance of being exceeded by the maximum peak flow in any year, and there is a 10-percent chance in any year that the annual minimum 7-day-mean flow will be less than the 7Q 10 . Replicate samplesare a group of samples collected in a manner such that the samples are thought to be essentially identical in composition. River mileis the distance of a point on a river measured in miles from the river's mouth along the low-water channel. River mileageis the linear distance along the meandering path of a stream channel determined in accordance with Bulletin No. 14 (October 1968) of the Water Resources Council. Runoff in inches(IN., in.) is the depth, in inches, to which the drainage area would be covered if all the runoff for a given time period were uniformly distributed on it. Sea levelrefers to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929)--a geodetic datum derived from a general adjustment of the first-order level nets of the United States and Canada, formerly called Sea Level Datum of 1929. See : http://www.co-ops.nos.noaa.gov/ glossary/gloss_n.html#NGVD Sedimentis solid material that is transported by, suspended in, or deposited from water. It originates mostly from disintegrated rocks; it also includes chemical and biochemical precipitates and decomposed organic material, such as humus. The quantity, characteristics, and cause of the occurrence of sediment in streams are influenced by environmental factors. Some major factors are degree of slope, length of slope, soil characteristics, land usage, and quantity and intensity of precipitation. Bed loadis the sediment that is transported in a stream by rolling, sliding, or skipping along or very close to the bed. In this report, bed load is considered to consist of particles in transit from the bed to an elevation equal to the top of the bed-load sampler nozzle (usually within 0.25 ft of the streambed). Bed-load discharge(tons per day) is the quantity of sediment moving as bed load, reported as dry weight, that passes a cross section in a given time. Suspended sedimentis the sediment that is maintained in suspension by the upward components of turbulent currents or that exists in suspension as a colloid. Suspended-sediment concentrationis the velocity-weighted concentration of suspended sediment in the sampled zone (from the water surface to a point approximately 0.3 ft above the bed) expressed as milligrams of dry sediment per liter of water-sediment mixture (mg/L). The entire sample is used for the analysis. Mean concentration of suspended sedimentis the time-weighted concentration of suspended sediment passing a stream section during a 24-hour day. Suspended-sediment discharge(tons/day) is the quantity of sediment moving in suspension, reported as dry weight, that passes a cross section in a given time. It is calculated in units of tons per day as follows: concentration (mg/L) x discharge (ft 3 /s) x 0.0027. Suspended-sediment loadis a term that refers to material in suspension. The term needs to be qualified, such as "annual suspended-sediment load" or "sand-size suspended-sediment load," and so on. It is not synonymous with either suspended-sediment discharge or concentration. Total sediment discharge(tons/day) is the sum of the suspended-sediment discharge and the bed-load discharge. It is the total quantity of sediment, reported as dry weight, that passes a cross section in a given time. Total sediment loador total load is a term that refers to the total sediment (bed load plus suspended-sediment load) that is in transport. The term needs to be qualified, such as "annual suspended-sediment load" or "sand-size suspended-sediment load," and so on. It is not synonymous with total sediment discharge. Seven-day 10-year low flow(7Q10, 7Q 10 ) is the minimum flow averaged over 7 consecutive days that is expected to occur on average, once in any 10-year period. The 7Q10 has a 10-percent chance of occurring in any given year. Sodium adsorption ratio(SAR) is the expression of relative activity of sodium ions in exchange reactions within soil and is an index of sodium or alkali hazard to the soil. Waters range in respect to sodium hazard from those which can be used for irrigation on almost all soils to those which are generally unsatisfactory for irrigation. Soluteis any substance that is dissolved in water. Specific conductanceis a measure of the ability of a water to conduct an electrical current. It is expressed in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 C. Specific conductance is related to the type and concentration of ions in solution and can be used for approximating the dissolved-solids content of the water. Commonly, the concentration of dissolved solids (in milligrams per liter) is from 55 to 75 percent of the specific conductance (in microsiemens). This relation is not constant from stream to stream, and it may vary in the same source with changes in the composition of the water. Stable isotope ratio(per MILL/MIL) is a unit expressing the ratio of the abundance of two radioactive isotopes. Isotope ratios are used in hydrologic studies to determine the age or source of specific waters, to evaluate mixing of different waters, as an aid in determining reaction rates, and other chemical or hydrologic processes. Stage-discharge relationis the relation between the water-surface elevation, termed stage (gage height), and the volume of water flowing in a channel per unit time. Streamflowis the discharge that occurs in a natural channel. Although the term "discharge" can be applied to the flow of a canal, the word "streamflow" uniquely describes the discharge in a surface stream course. The term "streamflow" is more general than "runoff" as streamflow may be applied to discharge whether or not it is affected by diversion or regulation. Substrateis the physical surface upon which an organism lives. Artificial substrate is a device that is purposely placed in a stream or lake for colonization of organisms. The artificial substrate simplifies the community structure by standardizing the substrate from which each sample is taken. Examples of artificial substrates are basket samplers (made of wire cages filled with clean streamside rocks) and multiplate samplers (made of hardboard) for benthic organism collection, and plexiglass strips for periphyton collection. Natural substraterefers to any naturally occurring immersed or submersed solid surface, such as a rock or tree, upon which an organism lives. Surface areaof a lake or impoundment is that area encompassed by the boundary of the lake or impoundment as shown on USGS topographic maps, or on other available maps or photographs. The computed surface areas reflect the water levels of the lakes or impoundments at the times when the information for the maps or photographs was obtained. Surficial bed materialis the top 0.1 to 0.2 ft of the bed material that is sampled using U.S. Series Bed-Material Samplers. Suspended(as used in tables of chemical analyses) refers to the amount (concentration) of undissolved material in a water-sediment mixture. It is associated with the material retained on a 0.45-micrometer filter. Suspended, recoverableis the amount of a given constituent that is in solution after the part of a representative suspended-sediment sample that is retained on a 0.45-micrometer membrane filter has been digested by a method (usually using a dilute acid solution) that results in dissolution of only readily soluble substances. Complete dissolution of all the particulate matter is not achieved by the digestion treatment and thus the determination represents something less than the "total" amount (that is, less than 95 percent) of the constituent present in the sample. To achieve comparability of analytical data, equivalent digestion procedures are required of all laboratories performing such analyses because different digestion procedures are likely to produce different analytical results. Determinations of "suspended, recoverable" constituents are made either by analyzing portions of the material collected on the filter or, more commonly, by difference, based on determinations of (1) dissolved and (2) total recoverable concentrations of the constituent. Suspended, totalis the total amount of a given constituent in the part of a representative suspended-sediment sample that is retained on a 0.45-micrometer membrane filter. This term is used only when the analytical procedure assures measurement of at least 95 percent of the constituent determined. Knowledge of the expected form of the constituent in the sample, as well as the analytical methodology used, is required to determine when the results should be reported as "suspended, total." Determinations of "suspended, total" constituents are made either by analyzing portions of the material collected on the filter or, more commonly, by difference, based on determinations of (1) dissolved and (2) total concentrations of the constituent. Synoptic Studiesare short-term investigations of specific water-quality conditions during selected seasonal or hydrologic periods to provide improved spatial resolution for critical water-quality conditions. For the period and conditions sampled, they assess the spatial distribution of selected water-quality conditions in relation to causative factors, such as land use and contaminant sources. Taxonomyis the division of biology concerned with the classification and naming of organisms. The classification of organisms is based upon a hierarchial scheme beginning with Kingdom and ending with Species at the base. The higher the classification level, the fewer features the organisms have in common. For example, the taxonomy of a particular mayfly, Hexagenia limbata, is the following: Time-weighted averageis computed by multiplying the number of days in the sampling period by the concentrations of individual constituents for the corresponding period and dividing the sum of the products by the total number of days. A time-weighted average represents the composition of water that would be contained in a vessel or reservoir that had received equal quantities of water from the stream each day for the year. Tons per acre-footis the dry mass of dissolved solids in 1 acre-foot of water. It is computed by multiplying the concentration of the constituent, in milligrams per liter, by 0.00136. Tons per day (T/DAY, tons/d) is the rate representing a mass of 1 ton of a constituent in streamflow passing a cross section in 1 day. It is equivalent to 2,000 pounds per day, or 0.9072 metric tons per day. Totalis the total amount of a given constituent in a representative suspended-sediment sample, regardless of the constituent's physical or chemical form. This term is used only when the analytical procedure assures measurement of at least 95 percent of the constituent present in both the dissolved and suspended phases of the sample. A knowledge of the expected form of the constituent in the sample, as well as the analytical methodology used, is required to judge when the results should be reported as "total." (Note that the word "total" does double duty here, indicating both that the sample consists of a suspended-sediment mixture and that the analytical method determined all of the constituent in the sample.) Total dischargeis the quantity of a given constituent, measured as dry mass or volume, that passes a stream cross section per unit of time. When referring to constituents other than water, this term needs to be qualified, such as "total sediment discharge," "total chloride discharge," and so on. Total in bottom materialis the total amount of a given constituent in a representative sample of bottom material. This term is used only when the analytical procedure assures measurement of at least 95 percent of the constituent determined. A knowledge of the expected form of the constituent in the sample, as well as the analytical methodology used, is required to judge when the results should be reported as "total in bottom material." Total length(fish) is the straight-line distance from the anterior point of a fish specimen's snout, with the mouth closed, to the posterior end of the caudal (tail) fin, with the lobes of the caudal fin squeezed together. Total loadrefers to all of a constituent in transport. When referring to sediment, it includes suspended load plus bed load. Total recoverableis the amount of a given constituent that is in solution after a representative suspended-sediment sample has been digested by a method (usually using a dilute acid solution) that results in dissolution of only readily soluble substances. Complete dissolution of all particulate matter is not achieved by the digestion treatment, and thus the determination represents something less than the "total" amount (that is, less than 95 percent) of the constituent present in the dissolved and suspended phases of the sample. To achieve comparability of analytical data, equivalent digestion procedures are required of all laboratories performing such analyses because different digestion procedures are likely to produce different analytical results. Turbidityis a measurement of the collective optical properties of a water sample that cause light to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines; the higher the intensity of scattered light, the higher the turbidity. Turbidity is expressed in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) or Formazin turbidity units (FTU) depending on the method and equipment used. Volatile organic compounds(VOC's) are organic compounds that can be isolated from the water phase of a sample by purging the water sample with inert gas, such as helium, and subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography. Many VOC's are manmade chemicals that are used and produced in the manufacture of paints, adhesives, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. They are often components of fuels, solvents, hydraulic fluids, paint thinners, and dry cleaning agents commonly used in urban settings. VOC contamination of drinking-water supplies is a human health concern because many are toxic and are known or suspected human carcinogens (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1996). Water levelis the water-surface elevation or stage of the free surface of a body of water above or below any datum (see "Gage height"), or the surface of water standing in a well, usually indicative of the position of the water table or other potentiometric surface. Water tableis the surface of a ground-water body at which the water is at atmospheric pressure. Water-table aquiferis an unconfined aquifer within which is found the water table. Water yearin U.S. Geological Survey reports dealing with surface-water supply is the 12-month period October 1 through September 30. The water year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends and which includes 9 of the 12 months. Thus, the year ending September 30, 1999, is called the "1999 water year." WDRis used as an abbreviation for "Water-Data Report" in the REVISED RECORDS paragraph to refer to State annual hydrologic-data reports. (WRD was used as an abbreviation for "Water-Resources Data" in reports published prior to 1976.) Weighted averageis used in this report to indicate discharge-weighted average. It is computed by multiplying the discharge for a sampling period by the concentrations of individual constituents for the corresponding period and dividing the sum of the products by the sum of the discharges. A discharge-weighted average approximates the composition of water that would be found in a reservoir containing all the water passing a given location during the water year after thorough mixing in the reservoir. Wellis an excavation (pit, hole, tunnel), generally cylindrical in form and often walled in, drilled, dug, driven, bored, or jetted into the ground to such a depth as to penetrate water-yielding geologic material and allow the water to flow or to be pumped to the surface. Wet weightrefers
to the weight of animal tissue or other substance including its contained
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