Project Title: Potential Benefits of Perpetual Easements on Phosphorus Reduction (West Fork Beaver Creek)
Project Number: NQ00EE300 - MN 271
Project Chief: Victoria Chistensen
Project Start Date: July 2011
Project End Date: June 2013
Cooperator: Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resource
- Collect water samples to evaluate existing data from multiple sources and time periods.
- Perform geographic spatial analysis of historical RIM participation, summarize documentation and statistical analysis of landscape patterns of RIM participation, and write a final report.
Progress During FY11:
The proposal was submitted to the region for review. Regional reviews were used to adjust the research addendum for LCCMR. An updated proposal was sent to LCCMR. The LCCMR removed the project from consideration and the proposal was re-written according to request from BWSR. Minnesota Valley Testing Lab (MVTL) was contacted for contract info, prices, QA, and SOP information. Hawk Creek Watershed Project (HCWP) was contacted in order to coordinate sampling between USGS technician and HCWP technician. Water quality samples were collected during the week of August 4th. Samples were delivered to both NWQL and MVTL for QA purposes. Some initial GIS work was completed in coordination with the USGS Environmental Effects of Agricultural Practices (EEAP) study team. Our GIS specialist worked on gathering coverages and summarizing available data on land use, land retirement, crop types, etc. Some available data was summarized (for example, start and end dates for CRP and burn dates) with the assistance of the NRCS.
Statement of Work FY12: The QA section of report will be written, which will include MVTL and NWQL data. Initial data indicates that MVTL and NWQL values are close. Streamflow data from the HCWP will be summarized and compared the USGS streamflow data. A student will be hired to continue the GIS work and begin creating a GIS and water-quality data base for statistical analysis. Additional water-quality samples will be collected in August by both USGS and HCWP personnel.