Project Title: Kabetogama-Namakan streamflow
Project Number: NQ00EB600 - MN 269
Project Chief: Victoria Christensen
Project Start Date: October 1, 2010
Project End Date: September 30, 2013
Cooperator: National Park Service
Objectives: This study will provide a two year assessment (2011-2012) of trends in streamflow, nutrient concentrations, and cyanobacterial transport in the narrows between Namakan Lake and Kabetogama Lake in Voyageurs National Park. During the third year of the project (2013), the water-quality data will be analyzed, nutrient and microcystin concentrations summarized, and a journal article will be prepared. The objectives of the study are to (1) determine the timing, direction, and rate of water flow between Namakan and Kabetogama Lakes, (2) assess nutrient and cyanobacterial transport between Namakan and Kabetogama Lakes, and (3) compare nutrient data from this and previous studies to water levels in order to clarify the effects of changes in reservoir operation.
Progress During FY11:
An acoustic Doppler velocity meter was installed by the Grand Rapids office. The Grand Rapids field office reported that the ADVM was sitting on the bottom of the lake at an angle, which would affect the accuracy of the data. This was corrected during the spring and data collected before that date may need adjustment. Plans were made for field activities for summer 2011. This included USGS streamgaging every six weeks and USGS ewi sampling during May. National Park Service personnel collected water samples every two weeks. A contract was signed with NRRI laboratory in Duluth, MN. Lab QA continues through the laboratory approval process. The Investigator Annual Report for research permit was completed. ADVM data is now available on NWIS web.
Statement of Work for FY12: During 2012, the literature review for the Scientific Investigations Report will be completed. Field data will be reviewed and NRRI laboratory data will be reviewed. Data collection will continue next summer and will include the ADVM, nutrient, and chlorophyll-a sampling.