Project Title: Assessing Two-Dimensional Regional Differences in Arsenic Concentrations in Minnesota Groundwater, 1992 - 2009
Project Number: NQ00E4G - MN 263
Project Chief: Erickson, Mindy
Project Start Date: March 2010
Project End Date: June 2011
Cooperators: Minnesota Department of Health
Project Objectives:
Describe the two- and three-dimensional spatial distribution of arsenic in groundwater in Anoka County, Carlton County, and Ottertail County, Minnesota. Identify data needs for developing a predictive model for high arsenic.
Progress During FY11:
The project was completed during FY 11. Study results indicate that existing well-water arsenic concentrations, geologic information, and well construction information are adequate to broadly and generally summarize arsenic occurrence in Anoka, Carlton, and Otter Tail Counties. Existing data are not sufficient, however, to begin development of detailed, three-dimensional probability maps for elevated arsenic, predictive tools for elevated arsenic, or guidance for drilling low-arsenic wells.
Statement of Work FY12: MDH and USGS plan to conduct a detailed arsenic investigation in Anoka County in the near future. Due to several factors, it is unlikely that an active project will begin in 2012. In preparation for a future project, USGS provided input to DNR as it is choosing new DNR monitoring well locations in Anoka County. The new DNR wells will be sited, when possible, to serve as monitoring points in a future arsenic study in Anoka County as wells as serving as water level monitoring points for the Twin Cities metro area water level network.