Minnesota Water Science Center
Project Title: Hydrologic Benchmark/National Water Quality Assessment Program Sampling at Isle Royale, Washington Creek and at the Kawishwi River Objectives: The objective of this effort is to assess streamflow and water quality for Washington Creek and Kawishiwi River The USGS, USFWS, and the NPS collaboratively work to measure water quality, characterize physical habitat, and measure aquatic ecosystem characteristics of Washington Creek. This integrative approach to monitoring assists scientists in linking changes in water quality, physical habitat alterations, and weather and climate change to algal and invertebrate and fish characteristics. Data collection is comprised of sampling water quality, macroinvertebrates, algae, fish, and a habitat assessment. Progress for FY11: Two sites (in Minnesota and Michigan) were scheduled for sampling as part of a joint National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA)/Hydrologic Benchmark Network (HBN) program sampling effort to characterize biological communities and water quality at USGS benchmark stations. The two sites are Washington Creek on Isle Royale and the Kawishiwi River near Ely. The US Forest Service closed the area near the Kawishiwi River during the scheduled sampling period due to a forest fire and sampling at this site was postponed until of 2012. During September. USGS, USFWS, and the NPS collaboratively worked to measure water quality, characterize physical habitat, and measure aquatic ecosystem characteristics at Washington Creek. This integrative approach to monitoring assists scientists in linking changes in water quality, physical habitat alterations, and weather and climate change to algal and invertebrate and fish characteristics. Data collection (sampling water quality, macroinvertebrates, algae, fish, and a habitat assessment) was completed. Historical hydrologic and chemical data were assembled and summarized to provide information about the site. Statement of work for FY12: The Kawishiwi River site will be sampled as described above for the Washington Creek. All data will be entered into Biodata. |