Minnesota Water Science Center
Project Title: Chemicals of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin Study Objectives: The objectives of the study are to identify the occurrence of selected contaminants of concern including pharmaceuticals, synthetic and biogenic hormones, and other waste chemicals in water and bottom sediment and fish samples collected at sites identified by the U S Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Study locations include tributaries to the Great Lakes in Duluth, Minn, Green Bay, Wisc., Rochester, NY; Detroit, Mich., and Toledo, Ohio, Milwaukee Wisc, and Ashtabula Ohio. Water and sediment samples will be analyzed for the approximately 200 chemicals. This project is part of the USFWS funded GRLI funded project (template 21): "Early warning program to detect and identify emerging contaminants and their effects to fish and wildlife". Progress During FY11: USGS staff assisted the USFWS staff with water and bottom sediment sample collection and analyses for a wide suite of chemicals of emerging concern at areas of concern throughout the Great Lakes. The nearly 200 analytes included pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and chemicals used in personal care products. There were two periods of sampling for the study (October 2011and April-September 2011). The sampling occurred in 5 states (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and New York). Sampling included collection of water samples and sediment samples by USGS, USEPA, and USFWS personnel. The USGS analyzed fish samples at the study locations with the assistance of the USFWS. The USEPA deployed caged fish at field locations (Milwaukee River/ Green Bay, Maumee/Swan Creek, Detroit River, and the St. Louis River). All samples were collected and transferred to the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory in Colorado. Work following the sampling included data bases construction and quality assurance. Approximately 83 chemicals were detected among 72 water samples collected. Cholesterol, DEET, Isophorone, tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate, caffeine, bispheolo A, HHCB, Pyrene, fluoranthene, and estrone were the most commonly detected chemicals . Statement of Work for FY12: Assist in preparation of papers summarizing the data in cooperation with USFWS and USEPA. Continue to assure the quality of data form the project. Meet with partners to discuss products and prepare a workplan for continued sampling. |