Minnesota Water Science Center
Project Title: S-PLUS support; S-PLUS support and programming for OWQ (S-LOADEST, S-ESTREND and S-NWIS) Objectives: Provide assistance to USGS employees in support of S-PLUS. Develop and document functions for the USGS S-PLUS library. Support the S-PLUS applications in NWIS. Support S-ESTREND and S-LOADEST. Develop water-quality checking routines in S-PLUS (QWCheck). Progress During FY11: The USGS library (4.0) for S-PLUS 8.1 has been published and released as OFR 2011-1130. Support to USGS users of S-PLUS continues. The NAWQA cycle III funded activity involved looking at how sampling strategy affects the ability to detect trends. A final assessment has been made. Preliminary R packages, and a procedure for managing them have been developed. The trends and loads class was presented in February. Two short courses on trend analysis were presented at the Water Science Center Statement of Work for FY12: Support for the current S-PLUS users will continue, but the bulk of the effort will be focused on R. The transition effort for FY12 will focus on continued development of core USGS packages. Work with water-quality specialists will continue to develop an approach to managing and analyzing water-quality data. Conversion of the basic Hydrologic Data Analysis Using S-PLUS class to R will continue. The conversion of ESTREND and LOADEST to R for conversion in FY13 will continue. The Project Chief will continue to work one conversion of QWTREND. The Environmental Statistics call is scheduled for May. |