Panel 2 of 4

Estimating Multiphase Hydraulic Properties at a Crude-Oil Spill Site

William Herkelrath, Hedeff Essaid, and Leslie Dillard

U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Menlo Park, California


The aquifer material at the Bemidji site is glacial outwash sand with some silt. The measured particle-size analyses are well represented by a lognormal distribution function. The formula of Krumbein and Monk (1942) was found to give a good estimate of permeability:

K (in m2) = (7.5 x 10-10) G2 e-1.31s.

G is the geometric mean particle size in mm, and s is the standard deviation of Krumbein’s f lognormal distribution function. The database of estimated permeability values was used to create a model aquifer for use in computer simulations. Geostatistical methods were used to extrapolate between points in order to estimate permeability on a uniform grid. A two-dimensional slice of the permeability distribution along the main transect of the oil pool is shown below.


For each core sample, the method of Arya and Paris (1981) was used to estimate the air-water capillary pressure curve from the measured particle size distributions and the porosity. The estimated relationship between capillary pressure and water saturation, Sw, was fitted to a Van Genuchten (1980) function,

Sw = [1 + (aP)n]-m,

yielding a value of a and n for each core (m=1-1/n). The residual water saturation was assumed to be zero.

In order to estimate the parameters on the regular grid of the model aquifer, an approach based on Miller-Miller (1956) scaling was used. Given the estimated value of permeability at each grid point, corresponding values of a and n were calculated using the similar-media scaling law:

a = (k / ka)1/2 aa and n=na

where ka, aa, and na are the average values for all the cores.

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