Log-Pearson Type III Statistics Notice -- Use of Log-Pearson Type III or Pearson-Type III distributions are for preliminary computations. User is responsible for assessment and interpretation. 05267000 - streamflow gaging station 1-day lowflow - lowflow statistic April 1 - start of season March 31 - end of season 1925 - 2004 - time period 80 - non-zero values 0 - zero values 0 - years with missing values (not used) 351.000 625.000 901.000 850.000 1810.000 809.000 874.000 591.000 417.000 474.000 298.000 777.000 254.000 793.000 1240.000 458.000 706.000 1540.000 2110.000 2200.000 2160.000 2030.000 1980.000 1790.000 1340.000 1770.000 1370.000 2510.000 1570.000 2820.000 1980.000 787.000 1110.000 2340.000 887.000 1200.000 590.000 502.000 1060.000 1170.000 1430.000 2630.000 1800.000 955.000 1660.000 1630.000 818.000 1460.000 2500.000 1550.000 1650.000 2310.000 412.000 580.000 2460.000 1030.000 1020.000 2080.000 1660.000 1940.000 640.000 2760.000 3110.000 1260.000 390.000 894.000 853.000 1190.000 1390.000 3400.000 2660.000 1940.000 1960.000 3480.000 1780.000 3080.000 2340.000 2790.000 1930.000 1100.000 The following 7 statistics are based on non-zero values: Mean (logs) 3.101 Variance (logs) 0.074 Standard Deviation (logs) 0.271 Skewness (logs) -0.556 Standard Error of Skewness (logs) 0.269 Serial Correlation Coefficient (logs) 0.485 Coefficient of Variation (logs) 0.087 Non-exceedance Recurrence Estimated Probability Interval Streamflow ----------- ---------- --------- 0.0100 100.00 229.993 0.0200 50.00 292.821 0.0500 20.00 413.124 0.1000 10.00 550.958 0.2000 5.00 763.731 0.5000 2.00 1336.322 0.8000 1.25 2154.590 0.9000 1.11 2681.773 0.9600 1.04 3312.698 0.9800 1.02 3753.144 0.9900 1.01 4167.663 =============================== Log-Pearson Type III Statistics (based on USGS Program A193) Notice -- Use of Log-Pearson Type III or Pearson-Type III distributions are for preliminary computations. User is responsible for assessment and interpretation. 05267000 - streamflow gaging station 7-day lowflow - lowflow statistic April 1 - start of season March 31 - end of season 1925 - 2004 - time period 80 - non-zero values 0 - zero values 0 - years with missing values (not used) 666.571 856.143 1147.286 1195.714 2315.714 1032.286 997.000 826.571 585.000 632.571 381.857 967.857 357.857 1044.571 1700.000 553.857 1060.286 1937.143 2451.428 2301.428 2382.857 2275.714 2425.714 2252.857 1445.714 2191.428 2465.714 3052.857 2298.572 3592.857 2194.286 1669.571 1221.429 2572.857 1103.286 1584.286 1202.286 626.429 1820.000 1631.429 1625.714 2897.143 2410.000 1293.571 1952.857 1724.286 868.000 1571.429 2850.000 2025.714 1747.143 3030.000 572.143 756.429 2772.857 2024.286 1164.286 2191.428 1898.571 2368.572 787.000 3167.143 3275.714 1454.286 481.571 1020.143 966.000 1482.857 1761.429 3448.572 2660.000 2130.000 2182.857 3612.857 1874.286 3374.286 2522.857 2977.143 1930.000 1474.286 The following 7 statistics are based on non-zero values: Mean (logs) 3.195 Variance (logs) 0.059 Standard Deviation (logs) 0.242 Skewness (logs) -0.698 Standard Error of Skewness (logs) 0.269 Serial Correlation Coefficient (logs) 0.444 Coefficient of Variation (logs) 0.076 Non-exceedance Recurrence Estimated Probability Interval Streamflow ----------- ---------- --------- 0.0100 100.00 324.321 0.0200 50.00 409.169 0.0500 20.00 567.928 0.1000 10.00 744.600 0.2000 5.00 1007.958 0.5000 2.00 1670.955 0.8000 1.25 2527.779 0.9000 1.11 3033.654 0.9600 1.04 3597.871 0.9800 1.02 3967.367 0.9900 1.01 4297.901 =============================== Log-Pearson Type III Statistics (based on USGS Program A193) Notice -- Use of Log-Pearson Type III or Pearson-Type III distributions are for preliminary computations. User is responsible for assessment and interpretation. 05267000 - streamflow gaging station 30-day lowflow - lowflow statistic April 1 - start of season March 31 - end of season 1925 - 2004 - time period 80 - non-zero values 0 - zero values 0 - years with missing values (not used) 847.567 900.200 1366.667 1367.000 2373.667 1054.933 1054.667 930.533 681.100 665.967 441.867 1027.233 476.933 1182.867 1826.333 651.067 1188.233 2233.000 2859.333 2555.667 3789.333 2371.333 2546.333 2387.667 1831.000 2755.000 3232.000 3212.000 3035.667 3779.333 2294.000 1841.333 1391.333 2787.000 1145.667 1707.000 1359.000 736.933 2285.000 1827.667 1997.667 3157.333 3236.667 1549.000 2168.333 1984.667 952.900 1744.333 3072.333 2816.333 1976.667 3122.000 634.633 961.700 2886.667 2249.333 1225.000 3066.333 2168.000 2651.000 1267.100 3637.333 3409.333 1858.000 642.100 1280.567 1061.400 1698.000 2187.667 3689.667 2804.667 3568.667 2523.000 3870.000 2039.000 3813.333 2964.667 3156.333 2055.333 1753.667 The following 7 statistics are based on non-zero values: Mean (logs) 3.257 Variance (logs) 0.057 Standard Deviation (logs) 0.239 Skewness (logs) -0.659 Standard Error of Skewness (logs) 0.269 Serial Correlation Coefficient (logs) 0.503 Coefficient of Variation (logs) 0.073 Non-exceedance Recurrence Estimated Probability Interval Streamflow ----------- ---------- --------- 0.0100 100.00 388.869 0.0200 50.00 486.713 0.0500 20.00 668.576 0.1000 10.00 869.824 0.2000 5.00 1168.683 0.5000 2.00 1920.017 0.8000 1.25 2896.812 0.9000 1.11 3479.417 0.9600 1.04 4136.250 0.9800 1.02 4571.211 0.9900 1.01 4964.098