Log-Pearson Type III Statistics Notice -- Use of Log-Pearson Type III or Pearson-Type III distributions are for preliminary computations. User is responsible for assessment and interpretation. 05134200 - streamflow gaging station 1-day lowflow - lowflow statistic April 1 - start of season March 31 - end of season 1958 - 1986 - time period 27 - non-zero values 1 - zero values 1 - years with missing values (not used) 4.300 3.100 3.300 7.000 0.200 3.400 4.100 2.500 7.300 6.000 1.200 28.000 11.000 5.000 7.800 7.600 5.300 3.200 8.400 0.930 15.000 4.300 1.600 14.000 12.000 14.000 4.400 The following 7 statistics are based on non-zero values: Mean (logs) 0.673 Variance (logs) 0.191 Standard Deviation (logs) 0.437 Skewness (logs) -1.147 Standard Error of Skewness (logs) 0.448 Serial Correlation Coefficient (logs) -0.129 Coefficient of Variation (logs) 0.650 Non- Adjusted Non- Adjusted exceedance Recurrence Estimated exceedance Estimated Probability Interval Streamflow Probability Streamflow ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- 0.0100 100.00 0.204 0.0454 0.000 0.0200 50.00 0.342 0.0550 0.000 0.0500 20.00 0.693 0.0839 0.262 0.1000 10.00 1.220 0.1321 0.837 0.2000 5.00 2.235 0.2286 1.868 0.5000 2.00 5.682 0.5179 5.424 0.8000 1.25 11.036 0.8071 10.857 0.9000 1.11 14.215 0.9036 14.083 0.9600 1.04 17.515 0.9614 17.406 0.9800 1.02 19.461 0.9807 19.373 0.9900 1.01 21.028 0.9904 20.968 Note -- Adjusted parameter values include zero values and correspond with non-exceedance probabilities in column 1 and recurrence interval in column 2. Estimated values in column 3 are based on non-zero values. =============================== Log-Pearson Type III Statistics (based on USGS Program A193) Notice -- Use of Log-Pearson Type III or Pearson-Type III distributions are for preliminary computations. User is responsible for assessment and interpretation. 05134200 - streamflow gaging station 7-day lowflow - lowflow statistic April 1 - start of season March 31 - end of season 1958 - 1986 - time period 27 - non-zero values 1 - zero values 1 - years with missing values (not used) 4.300 3.114 3.329 7.071 0.229 3.429 4.100 2.529 17.729 6.000 1.457 28.000 13.857 5.229 8.571 7.600 6.843 4.071 8.400 1.109 15.000 4.529 1.857 14.000 12.000 18.429 4.886 The following 7 statistics are based on non-zero values: Mean (logs) 0.719 Variance (logs) 0.194 Standard Deviation (logs) 0.440 Skewness (logs) -1.037 Standard Error of Skewness (logs) 0.448 Serial Correlation Coefficient (logs) -0.077 Coefficient of Variation (logs) 0.612 Non- Adjusted Non- Adjusted exceedance Recurrence Estimated exceedance Estimated Probability Interval Streamflow Probability Streamflow ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- 0.0100 100.00 0.239 0.0454 0.000 0.0200 50.00 0.392 0.0550 0.000 0.0500 20.00 0.777 0.0839 0.304 0.1000 10.00 1.347 0.1321 0.934 0.2000 5.00 2.442 0.2286 2.047 0.5000 2.00 6.219 0.5179 5.933 0.8000 1.25 12.391 0.8071 12.179 0.9000 1.11 16.285 0.9036 16.121 0.9600 1.04 20.564 0.9614 20.419 0.9800 1.02 23.234 0.9807 23.112 0.9900 1.01 25.488 0.9904 25.401 Note -- Adjusted parameter values include zero values and correspond with non-exceedance probabilities in column 1 and recurrence interval in column 2. Estimated values in column 3 are based on non-zero values. =============================== Log-Pearson Type III Statistics (based on USGS Program A193) Notice -- Use of Log-Pearson Type III or Pearson-Type III distributions are for preliminary computations. User is responsible for assessment and interpretation. 05134200 - streamflow gaging station 30-day lowflow - lowflow statistic April 1 - start of season March 31 - end of season 1958 - 1986 - time period 27 - non-zero values 1 - zero values 1 - years with missing values (not used) 4.640 3.320 3.797 7.297 0.743 3.537 4.227 2.877 41.400 6.187 1.777 28.800 18.200 8.213 11.867 8.150 14.667 13.433 8.543 1.765 15.000 6.023 2.353 14.000 12.367 29.367 6.077 The following 7 statistics are based on non-zero values: Mean (logs) 0.841 Variance (logs) 0.171 Standard Deviation (logs) 0.413 Skewness (logs) -0.235 Standard Error of Skewness (logs) 0.448 Serial Correlation Coefficient (logs) 0.033 Coefficient of Variation (logs) 0.491 Non- Adjusted Non- Adjusted exceedance Recurrence Estimated exceedance Estimated Probability Interval Streamflow Probability Streamflow ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- 0.0100 100.00 0.644 0.0454 0.000 0.0200 50.00 0.874 0.0550 0.000 0.0500 20.00 1.365 0.0839 0.746 0.1000 10.00 2.006 0.1321 1.552 0.2000 5.00 3.154 0.2286 2.758 0.5000 2.00 7.195 0.5179 6.879 0.8000 1.25 15.571 0.8071 15.245 0.9000 1.11 22.836 0.9036 22.515 0.9600 1.04 33.834 0.9614 33.400 0.9800 1.02 43.259 0.9807 42.778 0.9900 1.01 53.665 0.9904 53.238 Note -- Adjusted parameter values include zero values and correspond with non-exceedance probabilities in column 1 and recurrence interval in column 2. Estimated values in column 3 are based on non-zero values.